Rosetta 4.1+ and 4.2+

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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Joined: 28 Mar 20
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Message 98885 - Posted: 8 Sep 2020, 19:22:57 UTC - in response to Message 98874.  
Last modified: 8 Sep 2020, 19:53:44 UTC

Edit- just found one running on one of my systems.
Been going for just under an hour, and it's properties at this stage are

Virtual memory size 45.69GB
   Working set size  9.35GB
And it hasn't check pointed since 7 minutes after it started.

Checking Task Manager, the RAM usage for that task is increasing at roughly 2MB per second.
OK, i've let that Task run overnight & 10 hours later it's still going.
54.8% done, another 8 hours to go. It was using 5GB of RAM when i first checked this morning, it's now down to 4.88MB.
It still hasn't made any checkpoints since the first one, a bit over 7 minutes after starting.

Even though it only shows 4.88MB of RAM being used, system RAM usage is still way, way above it's usual level. With a Task using so little RAM, it should be below it's usual level.

This could be interesting. another _fold_and_dock_ Task has just started on the same system, and it's RAM usage is increasing at 100MB/s. 15GB and still climbing.

It just hit 31GB, then dropped back down to 20GB, and climbing again at 100MB/s.

Page file in use- 111GB.
Darwin NT
ID: 98885 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Joined: 28 Mar 20
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Message 98887 - Posted: 8 Sep 2020, 20:02:23 UTC

Here's one of these out of control RAM Tasks that tried to run on a Windows system with only 2GB of RAM. It managed to last for 25min before going down in a screaming heap.

(unknown error) - exit code -529697949 (0xe06d7363)
command: projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.exe @kp8RjDVk_fold_and_dock_flags -silent_gz -mute all -out:file:silent default.out -in:file:boinc_wu_zip -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 28800 -boinc:max_nstruct 20000 -checkpoint_interval 120 -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -boinc::cpu_run_timeout 36000 -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 3872759
Using database: database_357d5d93529_n_methylminirosetta_database

Unhandled Exception Detected...

- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Out Of Memory (C++ Exception) (0xe06d7363) at address 0x00007FFE5D9AA799

Engaging BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger...


BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger Version 7.9.0

Dump Timestamp    : 09/08/20 11:56:04
Install Directory : C:Program FilesBOINC
Data Directory    : C:ProgramDataBOINC
Project Symstore  :
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCdbghelp.dll ): GetLastError = 126
Loaded Library    : dbghelp.dll
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCsymsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( symsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCsrcsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( srcsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCversion.dll ): GetLastError = 126
Loaded Library    : version.dll
Debugger Engine   :
Symbol Search Path: C:ProgramDataBOINCslots;C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta;srv*C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosettasymbols*;srv*C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosettasymbols*

ModLoad: 0000000008870000 00000000057ef000 C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosettarosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.exe (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : C:cygwin64homeboinc4.17RosettamainsourceideVisualStudiox64BoincReleaserosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.pdb

ModLoad: 000000005fd40000 00000000001f0000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll (6.2.18362.815) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ntdll.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1014 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Opera&#232;n&#237; syst&#233;m Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174;
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1014

ModLoad: 00000000418f0000 0000000000012000 C:Program FilesAVAST SoftwareAvastaswhook.dll (20.6.5495.0) (-nosymbols- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : D:work616216c47067779cidpbuildavgastRU_NTDLL-lH-Y2A!x64_vs142binRelease_Unicode_NTDLL_vs142x64aswhook.pdb
    File Version          : 20.6.5495.0
    Company Name          : AVAST Software
    Product Name          : Avast
    Product Version       : 20.6.5495.0

ModLoad: 000000005e2d0000 00000000000b2000 C:WindowsSystem32KERNEL32.DLL (6.2.18362.959) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : kernel32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1014 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Opera&#232;n&#237; syst&#233;m Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174;
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1014

ModLoad: 000000005d970000 00000000002a4000 C:WindowsSystem32KERNELBASE.dll (6.2.18362.959) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : kernelbase.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1014 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Opera&#232;n&#237; syst&#233;m Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174;
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1014

ModLoad: 000000005eef0000 000000000006f000 C:WindowsSystem32WS2_32.dll (6.2.18362.387) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ws2_32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1014 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Opera&#232;n&#237; syst&#233;m Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174;
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1014

ModLoad: 000000005fb70000 0000000000120000 C:WindowsSystem32RPCRT4.dll (6.2.18362.628) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : rpcrt4.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1014 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Opera&#232;n&#237; syst&#233;m Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174;
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1014

ModLoad: 000000005e130000 0000000000194000 C:WindowsSystem32USER32.dll (6.2.18362.959) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : user32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1014 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Opera&#232;n&#237; syst&#233;m Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174;
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1014

ModLoad: 000000005ddc0000 0000000000021000 C:WindowsSystem32win32u.dll (6.2.18362.959) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : win32u.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.959 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.959

ModLoad: 000000005ef70000 0000000000026000 C:WindowsSystem32GDI32.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : gdi32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 000000005dc20000 0000000000196000 C:WindowsSystem32gdi32full.dll (6.2.18362.959) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : gdi32full.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.959 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.959

ModLoad: 000000005d640000 000000000009e000 C:WindowsSystem32msvcp_win.dll (6.2.18362.815) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : msvcp_win.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.815 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.815

ModLoad: 000000005d540000 00000000000fa000 C:WindowsSystem32ucrtbase.dll (6.2.18362.815) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ucrtbase.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.815 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.815

ModLoad: 000000005e540000 00000000000a3000 C:WindowsSystem32ADVAPI32.dll (6.2.18362.752) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : advapi32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1014 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Opera&#232;n&#237; syst&#233;m Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174;
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1014

ModLoad: 000000005ed80000 000000000009e000 C:WindowsSystem32msvcrt.dll (7.0.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : msvcrt.pdb
    File Version          : 7.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 7.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 000000005f630000 0000000000097000 C:WindowsSystem32sechost.dll (6.2.18362.959) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : sechost.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 000000005fad0000 000000000002e000 C:WindowsSystem32IMM32.DLL (6.2.18362.387) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : imm32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.387 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.387

ModLoad: 000000005cca0000 0000000000011000 C:WindowsSystem32kernel.appcore.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : Kernel.Appcore.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 000000005bc50000 0000000000031000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntmarta.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ntmarta.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1014 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Opera&#232;n&#237; syst&#233;m Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174;
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1014

ModLoad: 000000005c5d0000 000000000000c000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32CRYPTBASE.DLL (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : cryptbase.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 000000005cce0000 0000000000080000 C:WindowsSystem32bcryptPrimitives.dll (6.2.18362.836) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : bcryptprimitives.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.836 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.836

ModLoad: 0000000054da0000 00000000001f4000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32dbghelp.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : dbghelp.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000055fb0000 000000000000a000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32version.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : version.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

*** Dump of the Process Statistics: ***

- I/O Operations Counters -
Read: 17201, Write: 1839, Other 52690

- I/O Transfers Counters -
Read: 60291978, Write: 26499273, Other 27154

- Paged Pool Usage -
QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 318728, QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 318904
QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage: 32840, QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage: 32840

- Virtual Memory Usage -
VirtualSize: -1315676160, PeakVirtualSize: 257847296

- Pagefile Usage -
PagefileUsage: -1315676160, PeakPagefileUsage: -347455488

- Working Set Size -
WorkingSetSize: 94195712, PeakWorkingSetSize: 435392512, PageFaultCount: 6206626

*** Dump of thread ID 11560 (state: Initialized): ***

- Information -
Status: Base Priority: Normal, Priority: Normal, , Kernel Time: 0.000000, User Time: 0.000000, Wait Time: 0.000000

- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Out Of Memory (C++ Exception) (0xe06d7363) at address 0x00007FFE5D9AA799

- Registers -
rax=00000000f40803ff rbx=0000000039bc71bf rcx=0000000075694100 rdx=000000005fd865d3 rsi=000000000d8b3058 rdi=0000000005f47a60
r8=0000000092a10080 r9=00000000000023f5 r10=000000005fd8535c r11=0000000092a10070 r12=0000000000000066 r13=0000000000000001
r14=0000000005f47850 r15=00000000ffffffff rip=000000005d9aa799 rsp=0000000005f476d0 rbp=0000000005f47810
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000206

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
05f477a0 08cf2bb2 00000006 08d1556c 00000006 756a3f30 KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x0 
05f47820 08cfb60f 08870000 39bc71bf 05f47a60 08d0918a rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
05f47870 08cfa82d 39bc71bf 00000000 00000000 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
05f478a0 0b15e1f1 00000040 05f47979 75690000 5fd7b997 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
05f478d0 091be689 160d4ab0 00000000 7aea2fc0 9379c020 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statements_cache::statements_cache+0x0 
05f47940 091c3c58 05f48118 0267da11 05f47a60 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47980 091bf8ee 0000000b 08d05db0 00000006 0b2f9eaf rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47a10 091bfaed 05f47a60 0000000c 05f48118 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47aa0 091bfaed 05f47af0 0000000c 05f48118 00000006 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47b30 091bfaed 05f47b80 0000000c 05f48118 00000007 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47bc0 091bfaed 05f47c10 0000000c 05f48118 00000003 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47c50 091bfaed 05f47ca0 0000000c 05f48118 00000001 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47ce0 091bfaed 05f47d30 0000000c 05f48118 0000000b rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47d70 091bfaed 05f47dc0 0000000c 05f48118 0000000a rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47e00 091bfaed 05f47e50 0000000c 05f48118 00000009 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47e90 091bfaed 05f47ee0 0000000c 05f48118 00000004 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47f20 091bfaed 05f47f70 0000000c 05f48118 00000002 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f47fb0 091bfaed 05f48000 0000000c 05f48118 00000005 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f48040 091bfaed 05f48090 0000000c 05f48118 00000008 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f480d0 091bde5b 05f48298 0000000c 05f48118 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f48680 08ed1f24 79016dc0 08cea2d7 7aeaf220 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 
05f486c0 0971efee 0090e640 05f48a80 05f486f0 7aeaf220 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::session::is_open+0x0 
05f48760 097234d3 0109dda0 05f48a58 ffffffff 08d66cf7 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlCheckHTTPInput+0x0 
05f48820 0b08f115 05f48a80 05f48888 7eb9f9c0 01278660 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlCheckHTTPInput+0x0 
05f48fb0 0b08f7d0 02f03610 7b5da680 05f49018 0000000f rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statements_cache::statements_cache+0x0 
05f49340 096f091e 00000000 0000000f 00000000 08ce7807 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statements_cache::statements_cache+0x0 
05f49390 0975a73e 30305f00 7af58080 c6f09a97 c6f09b87 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlCheckHTTPInput+0x0 
05f493c0 097402fe 00000000 75fa30e8 c6f09a67 c6f09b57 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlCheckHTTPInput+0x0 
05f493f0 096f3cef 000006e2 000006e2 0000000f 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlCheckHTTPInput+0x0 
05f49860 096f2ea1 00000000 79bd6e20 03349450 79bd6e20 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlCheckHTTPInput+0x0 
05f49e00 096f00f8 79bd6e20 79bd6e20 05f49f10 05f49ef8 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlCheckHTTPInput+0x0 
05f49fd0 0975a4d1 05f4a058 79bd6e20 05f4a058 05f4a118 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlCheckHTTPInput+0x0 
05f4a020 0974006d 7931ffc0 05f4a058 7931ffc0 79bd6e20 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlCheckHTTPInput+0x0 
05f4a0b0 09fe4a2c 79dc1a80 05f4a118 00000000 756a5501 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlCheckHTTPInput+0x0 
05f4a160 08cf09f9 00000000 756a5501 7604b1e0 756a5501 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::mutex::mutex+0x0 
05f5fd90 08cfb215 00000000 00000000 0dc1ccf8 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
05f5fdd0 5e2e7bd4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
05f5fe00 5fdace51 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0 
05f5fe80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x0 

*** Dump of thread ID 32766 (state: Initialized): ***

- Information -
Status: Base Priority: Normal, Priority: Unknown, , Kernel Time: 6.000000, User Time: 0.000000, Wait Time: 3378502912.000000

- Registers -
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000000 rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
r8=0000000000000000 r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000000 r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000 rip=0000000000000000 rsp=0000000000000000 rbp=0000000000000000
cs=0000  ss=0000  ds=0000  es=0000  fs=0000  gs=0000             efl=00000000

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
(-nosymbols- PC == 0)
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 !+0x0 

*** Dump of thread ID 30836161 (state: Unknown): ***

- Information -
Status: Base Priority: Normal, Priority: Unknown, , Kernel Time: 17179869184.000000, User Time: 21474859008.000000, Wait Time: 312500.000000

- Registers -
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000000 rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
r8=0000000000000000 r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000000 r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000 rip=0000000000000000 rsp=0000000000000000 rbp=0000000000000000
cs=0000  ss=0000  ds=0000  es=0000  fs=0000  gs=0000             efl=00000000

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
(-nosymbols- PC == 0)
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 !+0x0 

*** Debug Message Dump ****

*** Foreground Window Data ***
    Window Name      : 
    Window Class     : 
    Window Process ID: 0
    Window Thread ID : 0



Darwin NT
ID: 98887 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Keith Myers

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Joined: 29 Mar 20
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Message 98900 - Posted: 8 Sep 2020, 22:51:08 UTC - in response to Message 98870.  

I don't know. It could be some corner case happening. I regularly find those when I test things for developers. Einstein has a setting in Project preferences for setting a LIBC215 flag for getting the correct applications.
But probably just some iffy setting in my environment that Rosetta does not like. Or some weakness in the hardware that only Rosetta uncovers.
ID: 98900 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Mr P Hucker

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Message 98903 - Posted: 9 Sep 2020, 0:02:31 UTC - in response to Message 98900.  

I don't know. It could be some corner case happening. I regularly find those when I test things for developers. Einstein has a setting in Project preferences for setting a LIBC215 flag for getting the correct applications.
But probably just some iffy setting in my environment that Rosetta does not like. Or some weakness in the hardware that only Rosetta uncovers.

I just found a quirk in my Dell R410 dual Xeon system. It crashes after about 5 minutes if I try to run more than about 8-12 LHC Theory tasks at once, yet it's been fine for the 6 months I've owned it running all sorts of projects in different combinations. A Windows 10 BSOD appeared, so I downloaded a BSOD reader which listed a certain dll and offered a direct google search, which said "try a BIOS upgrade". So I did, and found I was on version 6, and the latest was 14. Works great now. The very similar R510 is fine though. It's actually quite amazing computers work at all given the vast array of different hardware things have to run on.
ID: 98903 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Keith Myers

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Message 98906 - Posted: 9 Sep 2020, 0:19:49 UTC - in response to Message 98903.  

And I am guilty of not running the latest BIOS. Normally, unless there is some absolutely compelling reason to update to a new BIOS, I believe in "if it ain't broke, leave it alone" From the OCN forums, the latest BIOS only had marginal, if any improvements over the one I am on. And nowhere near consensus on just what the supposed improvements were. I don't push to the extremes that most of the forum members do, so just like to stay in the middle ground.
ID: 98906 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Mr P Hucker

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Joined: 12 Aug 06
Posts: 1600
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RAC: 15,471
Message 98911 - Posted: 9 Sep 2020, 0:33:27 UTC - in response to Message 98906.  
Last modified: 9 Sep 2020, 0:33:53 UTC

And I am guilty of not running the latest BIOS. Normally, unless there is some absolutely compelling reason to update to a new BIOS, I believe in "if it ain't broke, leave it alone" From the OCN forums, the latest BIOS only had marginal, if any improvements over the one I am on. And nowhere near consensus on just what the supposed improvements were. I don't push to the extremes that most of the forum members do, so just like to stay in the middle ground.

Agreed, I don't bother upgrading BIOSes normally (but I do like the latest drivers and Windows updates). Especially since they often end up screwing up my settings and stopping Windows booting (and on modern boards there's a lot of things that screw up bootability). On my main computer I only did it once since the fan speeds started acting up. A few months later, it forgot some fan settings and I discovered the CMOS battery was rather low. Unusual normally, but that board had been sat unplugged for a year. And now I notice that the battery caused it to downgrade its BIOS again?! I guess something corrupted with the low battery and it went to its backup one.
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 98920 - Posted: 9 Sep 2020, 4:12:59 UTC - in response to Message 98885.  

Edit- just found one running on one of my systems.
Been going for just under an hour, and it's properties at this stage are

Virtual memory size 45.69GB
   Working set size  9.35GB
And it hasn't check pointed since 7 minutes after it started.

Checking Task Manager, the RAM usage for that task is increasing at roughly 2MB per second.
OK, i've let that Task run overnight & 10 hours later it's still going.
54.8% done, another 8 hours to go. It was using 5GB of RAM when i first checked this morning, it's now down to 4.88MB.
It still hasn't made any checkpoints since the first one, a bit over 7 minutes after starting.

Even though it only shows 4.88MB of RAM being used, system RAM usage is still way, way above it's usual level. With a Task using so little RAM, it should be below it's usual level.

This could be interesting. another _fold_and_dock_ Task has just started on the same system, and it's RAM usage is increasing at 100MB/s. 15GB and still climbing.

It just hit 31GB, then dropped back down to 20GB, and climbing again at 100MB/s.

Page file in use- 111GB.

Well, it took just over 18 hours to complete, and it produced 1 Decoy. And it got less than half the Credit it should have (Same Credit as for doing 8 hours of work).
Darwin NT
ID: 98920 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
James W

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Message 98923 - Posted: 9 Sep 2020, 7:13:41 UTC

Name: kp8RjDVk_fold_and_dock_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1009390_4466
Application: Rosetta v4.20 windows_x86_64
Device: 1759960
Task: 1255806099. WU: 1125665905
Status: Error while computing
Exit status: -529697949 (0xE06D7363) Unknown error code
Errors: Too many errors (may have bug). Too many total results.
Peak working set size 5,967.66 MB
Peak swap size 8,158.26 MB
Peak disk usage 26.02 MB
Stderr output:
Unhandled Exception Detected...
- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Out Of Memory (C++ Exception) (0xe06d7363) at address 0x000007FEFD27B87D

Engaging BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger...
This was one of 3 errors today with my two hosts, working the above "fold and dock" series. This particular host has 8 GB RAM. It held out for 18+ minutes before the memory demand noted above overwhelmed it and it errored out the task. My host was the first to crunch and the wingperson with 16 GB RAM also errored for same reason. This is the same series of tasks which many here have commented on -- memory gobblers.
ID: 98923 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 98932 - Posted: 9 Sep 2020, 19:44:33 UTC - in response to Message 98923.  
Last modified: 9 Sep 2020, 19:49:27 UTC

Weirdness going on with epcam_breaker_graft tasks and pdl1_graft tasks. Ryzen 5 3600.
For this scaffold there are not suitable scaffold grafts within your constrains
 ------------------------ Begin developer's backtrace ------------------------- 
 ------------------------- End developer's backtrace -------------------------- 


[ ERROR ]: Caught exception:

For this scaffold there are not suitable scaffold grafts within your constrains
 ------------------------ Begin developer's backtrace ------------------------- 
 ------------------------- End developer's backtrace -------------------------- 


Over and over...

Same issue, just:
For this scaffold there are not suitable scaffold grafts within your constrains
 ------------------------ Begin developer's backtrace ------------------------- 
 ------------------------- End developer's backtrace -------------------------- 


[ ERROR ]: Caught exception:

For this scaffold there are not suitable scaffold grafts within your constrains
 ------------------------ Begin developer's backtrace ------------------------- 
 ------------------------- End developer's backtrace -------------------------- 


Over and over.
Everything else runs absolutely fine.

I don't know the location of the "ROSETTA_CRASH.log" mentioned.
ID: 98932 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 98935 - Posted: 9 Sep 2020, 20:28:42 UTC - in response to Message 98932.  
Last modified: 9 Sep 2020, 20:31:00 UTC

Over and over.
Everything else runs absolutely fine.
It's to do with the setup of the Task. Normal Tasks might have one (or a few) starting structures & produce all the decoys from that one (or few) starting structures. These ones produce 1 Decoy from just 1 Starting Structure, and may produce hundreds of Decoys, hence hundreds of error messages.
However they are still producing Valid results.

I don't know the location of the "ROSETTA_CRASH.log" mentioned.
Apparently It's in the Slots folder for that particular Task, but it's deleted once the Task is uploaded and the next Task using that slot starts.

Just had a look and found one on one of my systems; it looks like it's just a more detailed output of what is in the stderr.txt file
# Rosetta crash log. Please submit the contents of this file to
# or use the script Rosetta/main/source/scripts/python/public/

[COMMIT_DATE]: 2020-04-27T19:45:32
[APPLICATION]: projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.exe
[MODE]: Release
[EXTRAS]: boinc ptr_boost
[OS]: Microsoft Windows
[COMPILER]: Microsoft Visual C++ version 1900
[STDLIB]: Dinkumware libraries version 650
-boinc:cpu_run_time=28800 -boinc:max_nstruct=20000 -boinc:watchdog -boinc:cpu_run_timeout=36000 -in:path:database=minirosetta_database -in:file:keep_input_scores=false -in:file:silent=epcam_breaker_graft_v1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_0im7nz4p.silent -in:file:silent_struct_type=binary -in:file:silent_read_through_errors -out:nstruct=10000 -out:silent_gz -out:mute=all -out:file:silent=default.out -out:file:silent_struct_type=binary -run:write_failures=false -run:constant_seed -run:jran=3730306 -run:rng=mt19937 -run:checkpoint_interval=120 -run:protocol=jd2_scripting -parser:protocol=boinc_grafting_v2.xml -parser:script_vars=patchdock_res=6,7,9,46,49,54,56,60,112,114,116 initial_sasa_threshold=1400 targetpdb=target_pdb.pdb motifpdb_0=mot_HHH_b1_04348_000000057_0001_40_52_H.pdb.gz hotspots_0=1:4:8 label_0=mot_mot_HHH_b1_04348_000000057_0001_40_52_H motifpdb_1=mot_HHH_b2_07854_000000085_0001_42_55_H.pdb.gz hotspots_1=1:8 label_1=mot_mot_HHH_b2_07854_000000085_0001_42_55_H motifpdb_2=mot_59d56561d90b0bad60424c529a7637a9_0001_000000012_0001_1_15_H.pdb.gz hotspots_2=1:8:9 label_2=mot_mot_59d56561d90b0bad60424c529a7637a9_0001_000000012_0001_1_15_H motifpdb_3=mot_HHH_b1_05011_000000265_0001_1_21_H.pdb.gz hotspots_3=1:4:8 label_3=mot_mot_HHH_b1_05011_000000265_0001_1_21_H motifpdb_4=mot_HHH_b1_00329_000000073_0001_39_57_H.pdb.gz hotspots_4=1:2:5:6:9 label_4=mot_mot_HHH_b1_00329_000000073_0001_39_57_H motifpdb_5=mot_0dde884855747e935d0428e129e0f42e_0001_000000087_0001_14_30_H.pdb.gz hotspots_5=1:8:12 label_5=mot_mot_0dde884855747e935d0428e129e0f42e_0001_000000087_0001_14_30_H motifpdb_6=mot_HHH_b1_01397_000000028_0001_22_38_H.pdb.gz hotspots_6=1:7:8 label_6=mot_mot_HHH_b1_01397_000000028_0001_22_38_H motifpdb_7=mot_1f528e62597da3c8bbc3f0e579947792_0001_1_000000012_0001_50_65_H.pdb.gz hotspots_7=1:5:6:9 label_7=mot_mot_1f528e62597da3c8bbc3f0e579947792_0001_1_000000012_0001_50_65_H motifpdb_8=mot_HHH_b2_00363_000000121_0001_42_56_H.pdb.gz hotspots_8=1:5:8 label_8=mot_mot_HHH_b2_00363_000000121_0001_42_56_H motifpdb_9=mot_HHH_b2_03113_000000142_0001_42_56_H.pdb.gz hotspots_9=1:8 label_9=mot_mot_HHH_b2_03113_000000142_0001_42_56_H id000=375b43ffed9a9ee9461e8325e968149e_0001_1 id001=cdc1bdf2c568bf052678098aff03f821_0001 id002=006bfdfc862164e346ab3bed36ecaee2_0001_1 id003=b5d408fb59e05adbbadd706aaa09cbfb_0001 id004=343a966fea467f63e9ae2a75d8fd162e_0001 id005=72a79b14e1a0e827e78e129a6f5f8f0c_0001_1 id006=cc38c158466f61ccbd7ce36cb6c4896f_0001 id007=1426d49a9706e560ad12cebec5766a74_0001_1 id008=d7d26adf87cf2ee46145126e695ffc1c_0001_1 id009=cc1e330f54dca2764d62712a431743eb_0001 id010=87023c7b388761f7e3a7e4adaf10cc96_0001 id011=4b1f0df5035b1a5fc62ad0c8fdd16562_0001_1 id012=59747a5255cd687c2960285eb4440dff_0001_1 id013=2959d4d2383b65bc5974748239eaf621_0001 id014=0e358b0fe2cdcedf8d1e807fb00b93ba_0001 id015=HEEHE_2288 id016=17dc8709409f76207bfb39cffa64a9f3_0001_1 id017=3d499ac7f0d67033d193cd32a1d98c91_0001 id018=ems_p1-15H-GBL-16H-GABBL-16H_0222_0001_0001_0002 id019=ems_ferrM_7241_0001 id020=09e7cb7e633bb54c4420ff763e5edef5_0001 id021=197fb4328e114ea57185fc38a0d327c6_0001 id022=80f9e95669db8d5a9c68af4bf00736e0_0001 id023=d1fb33ed66649044859e967e86ea168f_0001 id024=bc00b440d29913a483da04f69f237b60_0001 id025=2c4de0f830203757e45398a88f939b40_0001_1 id026=ea668602291a2ecc16ad0111e2d152a8_0001 id027=fe6bf14837f0eca3ce69ff8b196801f6_0001 id028=3d38ca43007470be9f4a29c6511f51a5_0001 id029=8bc596a2a9b283cecaf78b93bd23a297_0001_1 id030=955d7fe45d33abe55eb02ba585709e79_0001_1 id031=311205a5f7018ed2e03f51fd3ffd5b95_0001 id032=394de4c172568015e4b749d6fe9a249d_0001 id033=f13c5212178be325c9ab83e7ba27a613_0001_1 id034=39b139147af3ad00170bddbd6f59d520_0001 id035=ems_p1-15H-GBL-16H-GBL-14H_0066_0001_0001_0001 id036=3a6c29ce16e7a142d506a79bd9648f85_0001_1 id037=0adca7f89c29d7ab84d77c590fcc2dbc_0001_1 id038=117d6f7dcd102ae3dc3af1f0eaee2732_0001_1 id039=ac4c3ba4b0f318db3a21ad0f1c8264ff_0001 id040=8d02a09317d8263f37ad98463a73a1b4_0001_1 id041=3191cc6481096e02f17c0295a435efb4_0001 id042=27229e08341bb17a567eab51faf42099_0001_1 id043=f69ce5eff6a6826e224c8d1e8d49e48f_0001_1 id044=85639d12da6f653dcf3837a78f84a30a_0001_1 id045=c0f0c6b645b03e3acbc3a7421e1f7935_0001_1 id046=6228ca5b8b091676f337a4c0a06dbe92_0001 id047=5b280ff452c1d219987978312b678990_0001 id048=ee6f2efe1cc829cadc28c075f8154135_0001_1 id049=7b26ba6c8602b4336b3486b7a62e78f2_0001_1 id050=15580975d4dd9e5733d814788d639b64_0001 id051=70e542dc289faddbbba057f27a339c51_0001 id052=1a8fd5ba898c9ca3d7fd6705179951cf_0001_1 id053=523dc94201469d4829a0a8233df22fa3_0001_1 id054=82f1224972f57208b573ef9e4461ac2f_0001 id055=34e5125b08b0451bb3e4608bd9bde2be_0001_1 id056=873b675bdc7264b9177d489ac9477b8f_0001 id057=35b94aac26684153dbcc4bf06a514b74_0001_1 id058=58d75be2f8f350dada521fdca757bee3_0001 id059=a858c52939ea8b6dd1bc628c944076c3_0001_1 id060=951f728d20521c29d292d07465f3a1df_0001 id061=c393a752425a4fe2e67a9f8335af7c62_0001_1 id062=bcc824ade735883082a67c9b92fe2530_0001 id063=e4151dd091c1f6889019e378a78b3cfb_0001 id064=4d4b136836891f5d1aae5ee4d82fc3b8_0001_1 id065=HHH_eva_0218 id066=0de62c39fb69531379ac6e36f55d56d7_0001_1 id067=HHH_eva_0356 id068=8f0453b3475defb44a5556df84c2a741_0001 id069=5e27e483d83c7ac4651c8eb9d40dc098_0001 id070=3f00252fc529791599e8cc5ffc065fdd_0001 id071=0303005ce1275d4529076c6f08768978_0001 id072=9829c6507ebf2554fb8aa5ee3547f67d_0001 id073=94e27040e1373b393086b07032fe3839_0001 id074=18170699a32f0bbb519df05472ae9278_0001 id075=469286692ecc764df549910e538eda66_0001_1 id076=898d54b7f483d02b43d2ce59c8a18e9f_0001 id077=e546d17bf4683a1997b2b4e1ffd0191e_0001_1 id078=09e13f331d2c82047205c4dfe4f1b614_0001_1 id079=41183a750505f3df874644e05cf50365_0001 id080=215434f56504fb77934f3ed03f59d2c1_0001_1 id081=10fb2a14c5b7c38646833f5309af78e7_0001 id082=f36904accf409f30af2549b3cc9a15d7_0001_1 id083=571275078a2094b209398d2bd903418f_0001_1 id084=3fea6b98fd84b92cb9e339649a38f51d_0001 id085=28b638317caa4f0057f5bb8cae999384_0001 id086=ba0750c5afcce45e1b1c5a2bb23fc229_0001_1 id087=0ec3dbe5a60479548ca220575d6efbeb_0001 id088=d98b4791b6225abad9199bf72535a804_0001 id089=7acacf0faca197c5263446f05ca56df7_0001_1 id090=170279623b3219226b9a8ffbe09ff086_0001_1 id091=23828764a915b09c0c7b07a90f187752_0001_1 id092=787214394eb3c27eec83f929e03503d0_0001 id093=9dfe171d16b5d63c4216776c4df0fbc2_0001 id094=HEEHE_0134 id095=5a474be4bc1d0bffa5f35b5b76c515fc_0001 id096=cfd197b677ad9358ad53867639ca13ec_0001 id097=ac710d00df0a15e663fb636f306744b3_0001_1 id098=1dae16775e8f4074d71d019417416b97_0001 -packing:dunbrack_prob_buried=0.8 -packing:dunbrack_prob_nonburied=0.8 -packing:dunbrack_prob_buried_semi=0.8 -packing:dunbrack_prob_nonburied_semi=0.8 -chemical:exclude_patches=LowerDNA UpperDNA Cterm_amidation SpecialRotamer VirtualBB ShoveBB VirtualDNAPhosphate VirtualNTerm CTermConnect sc_orbitals pro_hydroxylated_case1 pro_hydroxylated_case2 ser_phosphorylated thr_phosphorylated tyr_phosphorylated tyr_sulfated lys_dimethylated lys_monomethylated lys_trimethylated lys_acetylated glu_carboxylated cys_acetylated tyr_diiodinated N_acetylated C_methylamidated MethylatedProteinCterm -corrections:beta_nov16




[LINE]: 537
For this scaffold there are not suitable scaffold grafts within your constrains

And repeat over & over till the Task ends.
Darwin NT
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 98980 - Posted: 12 Sep 2020, 23:22:56 UTC
Last modified: 12 Sep 2020, 23:29:30 UTC

New Tasks, new errors.
I'm wondering if the file name might be the cause- what's the limit on the number of characters? (Just did d search and for current file systems the path can be huge, but the file names tend to still be limited in many case- and even in those that can handle larger file names, the fact is many applications still have issues with more than 255 characters).
These appear to be 270+


command: projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.exe -abinitio::fastrelax 1 -ex2aro 1 -frag3 00001.200.3mers.index -in:file:native 00001.pdb -silent_gz 1 -frag9 00001.200.9mers.index -out:file:silent default.out -ex1 1 -abinitio::rsd_wt_loop 0.5 -relax::default_repeats 5 -abinitio::use_filters false -abinitio::increase_cycles 10 -abinitio::rsd_wt_helix 0.5 -beta 1 -abinitio::rg_reweight 0.5 -in:file:boinc_wu_zip -out:file:silent default.out -silent_gz -mute all -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 28800 -boinc:max_nstruct 20000 -checkpoint_interval 120 -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -boinc::cpu_run_timeout 36000 -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 3273632
Using database: database_357d5d93529_n_methylminirosetta_database
WARNING! attempt to create gzipped file ../../projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/consensus_loop_091_c1_barrel6_3_c0851511e59b62c843e7e1f962b82db8.TrR_0_59_L_L1_TrR_FOLD_1_0_0.05_0078_547913472f14860137e866860f63eacb_41ANVQEE_fold_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1010364_48_0_r1507729193_0 failed.
DONE ::     1 starting structures  28626.6 cpu seconds
This process generated    115 decoys from     115 attempts
BOINC :: WS_max 4.46317e+08
05:28:12 (8024): called boinc_finish(0)

upload failure: <file_xfer_error>
  <error_code>-161 (not found)</error_code>



command: projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.exe -abinitio::fastrelax 1 -ex2aro 1 -frag3 00001.200.3mers.index -in:file:native 00001.pdb -silent_gz 1 -frag9 00001.200.9mers.index -out:file:silent default.out -ex1 1 -abinitio::rsd_wt_loop 0.5 -relax::default_repeats 5 -abinitio::use_filters false -abinitio::increase_cycles 10 -abinitio::rsd_wt_helix 0.5 -beta 1 -abinitio::rg_reweight 0.5 -in:file:boinc_wu_zip -out:file:silent default.out -silent_gz -mute all -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 28800 -boinc:max_nstruct 20000 -checkpoint_interval 120 -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -boinc::cpu_run_timeout 36000 -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 3256042
Using database: database_357d5d93529_n_methylminirosetta_database
WARNING! attempt to create gzipped file ../../projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/consensus_loop_MonomerDesign2019_091_c1_barrel6_3_c0851511e59b62c843e7e1f96_L1_TrR_FOLD_1_0_0.05_0058_66c8df7d20fa4320bbbca94af3316f65_UEK5CU7X_fold_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1010364_38_0_r1985723836_0 failed.
DONE ::     1 starting structures  28772.6 cpu seconds
This process generated    107 decoys from     107 attempts
BOINC :: WS_max 4.43654e+08
05:05:30 (9604): called boinc_finish(0)

upload failure: <file_xfer_error>
  <error_code>-161 (not found)</error_code>


Darwin NT
ID: 98980 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Mr P Hucker

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Message 98982 - Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 0:12:09 UTC - in response to Message 98980.  

New Tasks, new errors.
I'm wondering if the file name might be the cause- what's the limit on the number of characters? (Just did d search and for current file systems the path can be huge, but the file names tend to still be limited in many case- and even in those that can handle larger file names, the fact is many applications still have issues with more than 255 characters).
These appear to be 270+

I'm sure Windows has a path limit of 255. I've come across it when trying to back stuff up to a nested set of folders. So it would certainly fall over with a file at 255.
ID: 98982 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 98983 - Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 1:06:06 UTC - in response to Message 98982.  
Last modified: 13 Sep 2020, 1:08:40 UTC

New Tasks, new errors.
I'm wondering if the file name might be the cause- what's the limit on the number of characters? (Just did d search and for current file systems the path can be huge, but the file names tend to still be limited in many case- and even in those that can handle larger file names, the fact is many applications still have issues with more than 255 characters).
These appear to be 270+
I'm sure Windows has a path limit of 255. I've come across it when trying to back stuff up to a nested set of folders. So it would certainly fall over with a file at 255.
Yeah, although after a re-count now that i'm more awake, as large as they are they're actually less than 200. And even with the rest of the path they'd still be less than 255.
So whatever the issue is, it looks like it probably isn't the length of the file name that's causing it.

Edit- decided to check my Valids, and there are are two of the same type (and huge file name) that Validated OK.
*slaps self*
Darwin NT
ID: 98983 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
James W

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Message 99163 - Posted: 27 Sep 2020, 6:51:12 UTC
Last modified: 27 Sep 2020, 6:52:15 UTC

Name: vegf_site1_graft_v1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_3vc7wl1o_1013290_1
Application: Rosetta v4.20 windows_x86_64
Device: 3710630
Task: 1266413150. WU: 1134838287
Status: Completed and validated
Peak working set size 1,234.59 MB
Peak swap size 1,209.23 MB
Stderr output:
For this scaffold there are not suitable scaffold grafts within your constrains
------------------------ Begin developer's backtrace -------------------------
------------------------- End developer's backtrace --------------------------


[ ERROR ]: Caught exception:

For this scaffold there are not suitable scaffold grafts within your constrains
And continues repeating above until apparently runs out of space.

Just noting we have a new task type with these same errors/exceptions which still create valid results. FYI. Get these same results on both of my hosts.
ID: 99163 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
James W

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Message 99180 - Posted: 29 Sep 2020, 6:45:25 UTC
Last modified: 29 Sep 2020, 6:48:10 UTC

Name: cd28_1yjd_graft_v1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7xw0rf6z_1013410_1_0
Application: Rosetta v4.20 windows_x86_64
Device: 3710630
Task: 1267451815. WU: 1135747396
Status: Completed and validated
Peak working set size 1,351.17 MB
Peak swap size 1,324.82 MB
Stderr output:
For this scaffold there are not suitable scaffold grafts within your constrains
------------------------ Begin developer's backtrace -------------------------
------------------------- End developer's backtrace --------------------------


[ ERROR ]: Caught exception:

For this scaffold there are not suitable scaffold grafts within your constrains
------------------------ Begin developer's backtrace -------------------------
------------------------- End developer's backtrace --------------------------

And continues repeating above until apparently runs out of space.
FYI -- Just noting we have another new task type with these same errors/exceptions which still create valid results. The similarity appears to be that these tasks all involve "scaffold grafts."
ID: 99180 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
James W

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Joined: 25 Nov 12
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Credit: 1,766,254
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Message 99210 - Posted: 1 Oct 2020, 9:46:38 UTC

Name: rb_09_28_39311_38407_ab_t000__robetta_cstwt_5.0_FT_IGNORE_THE_REST_08_11_1013728_48_0
Application: Rosetta v4.20 windows_x86_64
Device: 3710630
Task: 1268869051. WU: 1137002647
Status: Error while computing
Exit status: 1 (0x00000001) Unknown error code
Stderr output:
<message>Incorrect function. (0x1) - exit code 1 (0x1)</message>
[ ERROR ]: Caught exception:

File: C:cygwin64homeboinc4.17Rosettamainsourcesrccore/pack/dunbrack/SingleResidueDunbrackLibrary.hh:306
chi angle must be between -180 and 180: -nan(ind)
------------------------ Begin developer's backtrace -------------------------
------------------------- End developer's backtrace --------------------------

1. Coder/programmer needs to spell "occurred" correctly.
2. Thankful still able to get credit for host's efforts. Note that I rec'd more credit than wingman.
ID: 99210 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Joined: 28 Mar 20
Posts: 1769
Credit: 18,534,891
RAC: 44
Message 99220 - Posted: 2 Oct 2020, 22:34:30 UTC

Just had a new Task crash out. I've already completed several others of the same type without issue, so i'm waiting to see if my Wingman has the same problem with this Work Unit as well.


(unknown error) - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)
command: projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.exe @DNANX53C_DnaN_53C_refine_26_stripped_relax_-1_-1_2_17175399_4mers_0003.flags -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 28800 -boinc:max_nstruct 20000 -checkpoint_interval 120 -mute all -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -boinc::cpu_run_timeout 36000 -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 1250462
Using database: database_357d5d93529_n_methylminirosetta_database

Unhandled Exception Detected...

- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x000001A0022FD174 

Engaging BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger...


BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger Version 7.9.0

Dump Timestamp    : 10/01/20 22:08:19
Install Directory : C:Program FilesBOINC
Data Directory    : C:ProgramDataBOINC
Project Symstore  :
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCdbghelp.dll ): GetLastError = 126
Loaded Library    : dbghelp.dll
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCsymsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( symsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCsrcsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( srcsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCversion.dll ): GetLastError = 126
Loaded Library    : version.dll
Debugger Engine   :
Symbol Search Path: C:ProgramDataBOINCslots2;C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta;srv*C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosettasymbols*;srv*C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosettasymbols*

ModLoad: 0000000053840000 00000000057ef000 C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosettarosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.exe (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : C:cygwin64homeboinc4.17RosettamainsourceideVisualStudiox64BoincReleaserosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.pdb

ModLoad: 00000000d68e0000 00000000001f0000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ntdll.dll (6.2.18362.815) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ntdll.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.329 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.329

ModLoad: 00000000d52f0000 00000000000b2000 C:WINDOWSSystem32KERNEL32.DLL (6.2.18362.959) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : kernel32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.959 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.959

ModLoad: 00000000d3b90000 00000000002a4000 C:WINDOWSSystem32KERNELBASE.dll (6.2.18362.997) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : kernelbase.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.959 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.959

ModLoad: 00000000d6790000 000000000006f000 C:WINDOWSSystem32WS2_32.dll (6.2.18362.387) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ws2_32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000d5960000 0000000000120000 C:WINDOWSSystem32RPCRT4.dll (6.2.18362.628) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : rpcrt4.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000d54c0000 0000000000195000 C:WINDOWSSystem32USER32.dll (6.2.18362.997) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : user32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.17763.802 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.17763.802

ModLoad: 00000000d3e40000 0000000000021000 C:WINDOWSSystem32win32u.dll (6.2.18362.1016) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : win32u.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1016 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1016

ModLoad: 00000000d4990000 0000000000026000 C:WINDOWSSystem32GDI32.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : gdi32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000d4650000 0000000000196000 C:WINDOWSSystem32gdi32full.dll (6.2.18362.1016) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : gdi32full.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1016 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1016

ModLoad: 00000000d38c0000 000000000009e000 C:WINDOWSSystem32msvcp_win.dll (6.2.18362.815) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : msvcp_win.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.815 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.815

ModLoad: 00000000d3a90000 00000000000fa000 C:WINDOWSSystem32ucrtbase.dll (6.2.18362.815) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ucrtbase.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.815 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.815

ModLoad: 00000000d4f90000 00000000000a3000 C:WINDOWSSystem32ADVAPI32.dll (6.2.18362.752) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : advapi32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000d4ee0000 000000000009e000 C:WINDOWSSystem32msvcrt.dll (7.0.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : msvcrt.pdb
    File Version          : 7.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 7.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000d6800000 0000000000097000 C:WINDOWSSystem32sechost.dll (6.2.18362.959) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : sechost.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000d5420000 000000000002e000 C:WINDOWSSystem32IMM32.DLL (6.2.18362.387) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : imm32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.387 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.387

ModLoad: 00000000d37a0000 0000000000011000 C:WINDOWSSystem32kernel.appcore.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : Kernel.Appcore.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000d27e0000 0000000000031000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ntmarta.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ntmarta.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000ccc90000 00000000001f4000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32dbghelp.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : dbghelp.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000d3a10000 0000000000080000 C:WINDOWSSystem32bcryptPrimitives.dll (6.2.18362.836) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : bcryptprimitives.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.836 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.836

ModLoad: 00000000cde40000 000000000000a000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32version.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : version.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

*** Dump of the Process Statistics: ***

- I/O Operations Counters -
Read: 5001, Write: 665, Other 13717

- I/O Transfers Counters -
Read: 14505587, Write: 14753, Other 6694

- Paged Pool Usage -
QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 317480, QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 317608
QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage: 6792, QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage: 7352

- Virtual Memory Usage -
VirtualSize: 83030016, PeakVirtualSize: 895672320

- Pagefile Usage -
PagefileUsage: 83030016, PeakPagefileUsage: 83030016

- Working Set Size -
WorkingSetSize: 103563264, PeakWorkingSetSize: 103567360, PageFaultCount: 25695

*** Dump of thread ID 8588 (state: Initialized): ***

- Information -
Status: Base Priority: Normal, Priority: Normal, , Kernel Time: 0.000000, User Time: 0.000000, Wait Time: 0.000000

- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x000001A0022FD174 

- Registers -
rax=000000000000003a rbx=0000000001815b70 rcx=000000000220bac0 rdx=00000000022ebbf8 rsi=000000000000000b rdi=000000000220bac0
r8=000000000000003a r9=0000000000000421 r10=00000000573e6e80 r11=00000000ee345440 r12=0000000053840000 r13=00000000ee35fb80
r14=00000000ee345b80 r15=000000000048b215 rip=00000000022fd174 rsp=00000000ee3454b8 rbp=0000000000000000
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010206

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
ee3454b0 53d1831c 00000000 573e6d60 573e6e80 573cbe78 !+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '022fd174'
ee3454e0 53cd935d 01815b70 ee345580 ee345d00 53cc355d rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53d1831c'
ee345510 56e47f10 57d30150 ee35fb80 00000000 53cc3265 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53cd935d'
ee345540 53cc39e8 ee3461f0 28d1e4a7 ee345b48 ee345bd0 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlValidateNotationDecl+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '56e47f10'
ee3455b0 d69811cf 00000000 ee345b30 ee3461f0 ee3461f0 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53cc39e8'
ee3455e0 d694a209 00000001 53840000 00000000 58dda32c ntdll!__chkstk+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'd69811cf'
ee345cf0 d697fe3e 00000020 00000000 574ba450 00000003 ntdll!RtlRaiseException+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'd694a209'
ee3464a0 53f83e2b fffffffe 05b74158 ffffffff 53f918c5 ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'd697fe3e'
ee3464f0 53f93690 574ba3a0 05b73eb0 574ba3a0 ee3465e9 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::session::is_open+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53f83e2b'
ee346620 540a9ee8 054fcba8 050e2be0 05b73eb0 050e2be0 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::session::is_open+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53f93690'
ee3471d0 54044b6c 05feeef0 d691b997 01770000 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '540a9ee8'
ee3473d0 5404488e ee3474b8 00000000 ee3476a0 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '54044b6c'
ee347530 53fa3da1 ee3476a8 00000000 01813aa0 ee347770 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '5404488e'
ee3478f0 53fa9f08 ee347c40 ee347c40 ee347c40 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53fa3da1'
ee347f40 53fa84db 01ef59c0 ee347fa0 01d9f330 01d9f330 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53fa9f08'
ee3480a0 53f11fb7 00000000 ee3481b0 01d9f330 ee3483b0 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53fa84db'
ee348210 53f157a6 00000005 53cb5190 01da6270 01da6270 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::session::is_open+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53f11fb7'
ee348280 53f156cc ee348588 ee3483f9 ee348588 01d9f330 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::session::is_open+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53f157a6'
ee348330 53fdb6f5 ee348588 ee348841 00000000 53cd75e8 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::session::is_open+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53f156cc'
ee348450 53fda592 00000005 ee348588 ee348760 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53fdb6f5'
ee348520 53fdad06 00000000 00000000 ee348e40 01770000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53fda592'
ee3486c0 544371a3 ee348760 ee348e40 ffffff01 53cc3e73 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53fdad06'
ee3489b0 54439d09 00000000 00000001 ee348ac0 ee348e40 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '544371a3'
ee348d40 54432f8a ee348d80 ee348e40 05340dd0 01de8460 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '54439d09'
ee348da0 5464cc70 ee348e40 ee349568 01da6270 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '54432f8a'
ee349530 5464c6e4 05ed6aa0 05d8a3d0 58cb5cc0 53cb75a6 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '5464cc70'
ee349590 5465603e ee349680 05ed67d0 ee3496a0 ee349df0 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '5464c6e4'
ee349d10 546556d4 73665952 73665e42 58c27f70 54676cb4 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '5465603e'
ee349da0 5465578e 00000005 ee34a348 01de8460 00000001 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '546556d4'
ee349f40 53cc081d 020d8820 020d8820 01de8460 01816f01 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::statement::cache+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '5465578e'
ee35fb70 53ccb215 00000000 00000000 58beccf8 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53cc081d'
ee35fbb0 d5307bd4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '53ccb215'
ee35fbe0 d694ce51 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'd5307bd4'
ee35fc60 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126'  SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'd694ce51'

*** Dump of thread ID 32760 (state: Initialized): ***

- Information -
Status: Base Priority: Normal, Priority: Unknown, , Kernel Time: 6.000000, User Time: 0.000000, Wait Time: 3139226624.000000

- Registers -
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000000 rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
r8=0000000000000000 r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000000 r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000 rip=0000000000000000 rsp=0000000000000000 rbp=0000000000000000
cs=0000  ss=0000  ds=0000  es=0000  fs=0000  gs=0000             efl=00000000

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
(-nosymbols- PC == 0)
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 !+0x0 

*** Dump of thread ID 30840815 (state: Unknown): ***

- Information -
Status: Base Priority: Normal, Priority: Unknown, , Kernel Time: 17179869184.000000, User Time: 21474836480.000000, Wait Time: 0.000000

- Registers -
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000000 rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
r8=0000000000000000 r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000000 r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000 rip=0000000000000000 rsp=0000000000000000 rbp=0000000000000000
cs=0000  ss=0000  ds=0000  es=0000  fs=0000  gs=0000             efl=00000000

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
(-nosymbols- PC == 0)
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 !+0x0 

*** Debug Message Dump ****

*** Foreground Window Data ***
    Window Name      : 
    Window Class     : 
    Window Process ID: 0
    Window Thread ID : 0



Darwin NT
ID: 99220 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Joined: 5 Jan 06
Posts: 1896
Credit: 10,138,586
RAC: 9,495
Message 99221 - Posted: 3 Oct 2020, 1:00:16 UTC - in response to Message 99220.  

Just had a new Task crash out. I've already completed several others of the same type without issue, so i'm waiting to see if my Wingman has the same problem with this Work Unit as well.


(unknown error) - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)
command: projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.exe @DNANX53C_DnaN_53C_refine_26_stripped_relax_-1_-1_2_17175399_4mers_0003.flags -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 28800 -boinc:max_nstruct 20000 -checkpoint_interval 120 -mute all -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -boinc::cpu_run_timeout 36000 -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 1250462
Using database: database_357d5d93529_n_methylminirosetta_database

You are using a REALLY old version of Boinc, is that by design or you just haven't updated?
The current version is 7.16.11 for Windows.
ID: 99221 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Joined: 28 Mar 20
Posts: 1769
Credit: 18,534,891
RAC: 44
Message 99222 - Posted: 3 Oct 2020, 4:47:04 UTC - in response to Message 99221.  
Last modified: 3 Oct 2020, 4:47:44 UTC

You are using a REALLY old version of Boinc, is that by design or you just haven't updated?
BOINC is just the manager (it's the project's applications that actually process work), and if something isn't broken, then don't fix it.
The only useful thing in the last few versions is that the latest one appears to support a project going from HTTP to HTTPS without the user having to do it.
I may eventually upgrade when i've had enough of the Notices about using an old URL.
Darwin NT
ID: 99222 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
James W

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Joined: 25 Nov 12
Posts: 130
Credit: 1,766,254
RAC: 0
Message 99223 - Posted: 3 Oct 2020, 5:21:59 UTC

Name: DNANX53C_DnaN_53C_refine_26_stripped_relax_-1_-1_3_45942938_4mers_0002_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1014073_330_0
Application: Rosetta v4.20 windows_x86_64
Device: 3710630
Task: 1270233986. WU: 1138185669
Status: Error while computing
Exit status: -1073741819 (0xC0000005) STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
Stderr output:
(unknown error) - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)
Unhandled Exception Detected...
- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x0000000000000017

Engaging BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger...
Also rec'd identical error on host 1759960 for task 1270067381. Will see how wingman fares.
ID: 99223 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
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