No more work generated and dispatched, R@H will shutdown for maintaining?

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Profile Cyanr & Cinny

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Message 106932 - Posted: 17 Sep 2022, 4:35:53 UTC

Hi there

Not quite sure what happened here and no news update to explain that.

Or do I miss something?
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 106933 - Posted: 17 Sep 2022, 7:16:35 UTC
Last modified: 17 Sep 2022, 7:18:03 UTC

There is no new Python work now that it has all been sent out.
There are still occasional spurts of Rossetta 4.20 Tasks, but not much, and not very often.

Spam isn't deleted from the forums, and hasn't been for many months now. Nor any posts from the project in ages, so the Project is pretty much done IMHO.
Darwin NT
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 106935 - Posted: 17 Sep 2022, 23:33:58 UTC

Rosetta 0 13038 6.56 (0.43 - 64.69) 663
Rosetta Mini 0 0 --- 0
rosetta python projects 0 343 6.53 (1.22 - 43.56) 95

They have a fancy AI to run stuff on now.
No need to send stuff here.

They came from a humble start and are now to advanced for us PC users.

When they stopped monitoring the forums I knew it was a dead end project.
DB stopped writing stuff to the forum years ago and also the grad students that used to mod this page disappeared a few years back.

They do not acknowledge emails sent to them, basically its black hole now.
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Bill Swisher

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Message 106936 - Posted: 18 Sep 2022, 1:44:35 UTC - in response to Message 106932.  
Last modified: 18 Sep 2022, 1:57:38 UTC

If there's a method to their madness I haven't figured it out. It ALMOST seems like there's a 2 week cycle, but then again not quite.
If I knew how to attach an image to this I would show you what my processing looks like for the last 90 days.

I should add that pretty much all my processing is over on World Community Grid now. They went through a particularly nasty period after IBM kicked them out of the nest and told them to fly on their own. They were pretty much TITSUP for 9 months at least. But for the last 60 days they've been pushing out work, I've got 46 cores processing their stuff (used to split with Rosetta but we know how that's working out now).
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 106938 - Posted: 18 Sep 2022, 20:17:31 UTC - in response to Message 106936.  

If there's a method to their madness I haven't figured it out. It ALMOST seems like there's a 2 week cycle, but then again not quite.
If I knew how to attach an image to this I would show you what my processing looks like for the last 90 days.

I should add that pretty much all my processing is over on World Community Grid now. They went through a particularly nasty period after IBM kicked them out of the nest and told them to fly on their own. They were pretty much TITSUP for 9 months at least. But for the last 60 days they've been pushing out work, I've got 46 cores processing their stuff (used to split with Rosetta but we know how that's working out now).

Most of us here know about WCG disaster.
IBM kicked them? They made it sound like it was part of the combining with the new group that made them do that.
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Bill Swisher

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Message 106939 - Posted: 18 Sep 2022, 22:08:30 UTC - in response to Message 106938.  

"IBM kicked them out of the nest"

Merely a statement, somewhat in jest. Although it did seem like they left them hanging as far as technical details went. I really didn't pay that much attention to the details. All I knew was that WCG and Rosetta pretty much went dark. So I started running Einstein since all the computers were doing nothing but twiddling their thumbs (so to speak).
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 106952 - Posted: 21 Sep 2022, 17:55:53 UTC - in response to Message 106939.  

"IBM kicked them out of the nest"

Merely a statement, somewhat in jest. Although it did seem like they left them hanging as far as technical details went. I really didn't pay that much attention to the details. All I knew was that WCG and Rosetta pretty much went dark. So I started running Einstein since all the computers were doing nothing but twiddling their thumbs (so to speak).

For non BOINC work run FAH if you aren't doing that already.
I run Denis and Sidock here as well as WCG when the downloads don't hang up.
Quchempedia works on some computers and not others.

So plenty of other places to. This project went to a AI or their own supercomputer of sorts.
Very much like TAC is all supercomputing and just takes leftovers from other projects every now then.
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Message 106957 - Posted: 23 Sep 2022, 14:43:51 UTC

I crunch WCG, SIDOCK, and Rosetta. WCG is my main project, and I added the others when IBM kicked WCG to the curb. WCG is finally back up and mostly-operational after being dead since late February. I hadn't received any Rosetta tasks in several months, then I got 8 tasks today. All of them ended almost immediately with "computational error". :(
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Message boards : Number crunching : No more work generated and dispatched, R@H will shutdown for maintaining?

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