Last one to post here wins! #2

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Profile Eric Ogletree

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Message 38931 - Posted: 3 Apr 2007, 14:44:36 UTC - in response to Message 38929.  

Don't know any Belgian women, but how about a couple of Canadian women? @:^P

know any attractive belgian women from whom we could inquire as to their "animal" preferences ?

hmm..human tiger mating..well considering human women like horse things got to wonder what a lady tiger likes or a lady human and a male tiger. if he keeps his claws in his paws and doesn't bite her, she might be into it. who knows.
should we be breeding with the humans ?
and if so, does it matter that we are now leading ?

no chance, we are still in front
take over the lead from a belgium human
so don't worry, be happy
well limited breeding and no, your not in front anymore
so we are still in in front....
breed, hmmm....

bad animals, go hunt and breed and leave us humans to take over, don't forget 1812
will do our animal best...

can you hold our place.... during your daytime?
We are in front...
It's 1545 over here. Pilgrams still haven't made it to Plymouth Rock yet...

that was a human war, not an animals war.....
we are in front again.....
ah but don't forget 1945
The animals always have the lucky numbers....
And we are in front.... :-)
but not as good as 1319

1809 is better
1125 is a good number for the animals

1704 and the humans take the lead again
0230 and this penguin is just getting ready for sleepy time...
hold the lead, Tiger!

A new work week has begun and the animals are leading still....
<throws Tiger some red meat>

Page blow-out already ?!

No food for the naughty tiger
The animals take the lead...... so Penguin, I need your help during the european night......
don't you guys know your supposed to be below us humans? there is no other answer but "yes"
No problem, Penguin....... We are in front....
Let's do it !

what is the name of this tread?
Just to win..... And the ANIMALS will win.... ;._)
limit pictures to small to smaller medium and only one per post, but get some text in between them to break it up a bit. anyone running on 56k these days?
well, if we have to build pyramids - ok, but no page blow-out, ok?

The animals are taking over now, no chance for humans.. ;-)
The humans are taking over now
Funny, because it still looks like the Humans are in the lead. @:^P

You said it...... Good April fools gag, because the ANIMALS are leading......
Haha! Good April fools gag, because the HUMANS are in front. Bwahahaha!!! @:^P


And the animals are in front again..

There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
ID: 38931 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 38932 - Posted: 3 Apr 2007, 15:13:20 UTC - in response to Message 38931.  

belgians and candians mating...hmmmm
Don't know any Belgian women, but how about a couple of Canadian women? @:^P

know any attractive belgian women from whom we could inquire as to their "animal" preferences ?

hmm..human tiger mating..well considering human women like horse things got to wonder what a lady tiger likes or a lady human and a male tiger. if he keeps his claws in his paws and doesn't bite her, she might be into it. who knows.
should we be breeding with the humans ?
and if so, does it matter that we are now leading ?

no chance, we are still in front
take over the lead from a belgium human
so don't worry, be happy
well limited breeding and no, your not in front anymore
so we are still in in front....
breed, hmmm....

bad animals, go hunt and breed and leave us humans to take over, don't forget 1812
will do our animal best...

can you hold our place.... during your daytime?
We are in front...
It's 1545 over here. Pilgrams still haven't made it to Plymouth Rock yet...

that was a human war, not an animals war.....
we are in front again.....
ah but don't forget 1945
The animals always have the lucky numbers....
And we are in front.... :-)
but not as good as 1319

1809 is better
1125 is a good number for the animals

1704 and the humans take the lead again
0230 and this penguin is just getting ready for sleepy time...
hold the lead, Tiger!

A new work week has begun and the animals are leading still....
<throws Tiger some red meat>

Page blow-out already ?!

No food for the naughty tiger
The animals take the lead...... so Penguin, I need your help during the european night......
don't you guys know your supposed to be below us humans? there is no other answer but "yes"
No problem, Penguin....... We are in front....
Let's do it !

what is the name of this tread?
Just to win..... And the ANIMALS will win.... ;._)
limit pictures to small to smaller medium and only one per post, but get some text in between them to break it up a bit. anyone running on 56k these days?
well, if we have to build pyramids - ok, but no page blow-out, ok?

The animals are taking over now, no chance for humans.. ;-)
The humans are taking over now
Funny, because it still looks like the Humans are in the lead. @:^P

You said it...... Good April fools gag, because the ANIMALS are leading......
Haha! Good April fools gag, because the HUMANS are in front. Bwahahaha!!! @:^P


And the animals are in front again..

ID: 38932 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 38936 - Posted: 3 Apr 2007, 15:50:32 UTC - in response to Message 38932.  

eh ?

belgians and candians mating...hmmmm
Don't know any Belgian women, but how about a couple of Canadian women? @:^P

know any attractive belgian women from whom we could inquire as to their "animal" preferences ?

hmm..human tiger mating..well considering human women like horse things got to wonder what a lady tiger likes or a lady human and a male tiger. if he keeps his claws in his paws and doesn't bite her, she might be into it. who knows.
should we be breeding with the humans ?
and if so, does it matter that we are now leading ?

no chance, we are still in front
take over the lead from a belgium human
so don't worry, be happy
well limited breeding and no, your not in front anymore
so we are still in in front....
breed, hmmm....

bad animals, go hunt and breed and leave us humans to take over, don't forget 1812
will do our animal best...

can you hold our place.... during your daytime?
We are in front...
It's 1545 over here. Pilgrams still haven't made it to Plymouth Rock yet...

that was a human war, not an animals war.....
we are in front again.....
ah but don't forget 1945
The animals always have the lucky numbers....
And we are in front.... :-)
but not as good as 1319

1809 is better
1125 is a good number for the animals

1704 and the humans take the lead again
0230 and this penguin is just getting ready for sleepy time...
hold the lead, Tiger!

A new work week has begun and the animals are leading still....
<throws Tiger some red meat>

Page blow-out already ?!

No food for the naughty tiger
The animals take the lead...... so Penguin, I need your help during the european night......
don't you guys know your supposed to be below us humans? there is no other answer but "yes"
No problem, Penguin....... We are in front....
Let's do it !

what is the name of this tread?
Just to win..... And the ANIMALS will win.... ;._)
limit pictures to small to smaller medium and only one per post, but get some text in between them to break it up a bit. anyone running on 56k these days?
well, if we have to build pyramids - ok, but no page blow-out, ok?

The animals are taking over now, no chance for humans.. ;-)
The humans are taking over now
Funny, because it still looks like the Humans are in the lead. @:^P

You said it...... Good April fools gag, because the ANIMALS are leading......
Haha! Good April fools gag, because the HUMANS are in front. Bwahahaha!!! @:^P


And the animals are in front again..

ID: 38936 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 38940 - Posted: 3 Apr 2007, 20:41:06 UTC
Last modified: 3 Apr 2007, 20:42:12 UTC

Posting 20 quote levels deep is very annoying and not needed, not to mention the huge screen real estate it takes to scroll endlessly.

Makes the horizontal screen stretching seem benign.
Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.

ID: 38940 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 38941 - Posted: 3 Apr 2007, 20:49:10 UTC - in response to Message 38940.  

Fine by me...
ID: 38941 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 38945 - Posted: 3 Apr 2007, 22:07:05 UTC - in response to Message 38941.  
Last modified: 3 Apr 2007, 22:08:43 UTC

Fine by me...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain
ID: 38945 · Rating: -1 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 38951 - Posted: 3 Apr 2007, 23:50:46 UTC - in response to Message 38945.  
Last modified: 3 Apr 2007, 23:52:10 UTC

otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

ID: 38951 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 38960 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 5:40:26 UTC - in response to Message 38951.  

And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

ID: 38960 · Rating: -1 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 38962 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 7:28:12 UTC - in response to Message 38960.  

no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

ID: 38962 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 38964 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 8:01:22 UTC - in response to Message 38962.  

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

ID: 38964 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 38971 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 11:32:08 UTC - in response to Message 38964.  

well i am off work at the moment, going back tomorrow, had a accident yesterday, so a bit sore today.
nothing serious, just sore muscles and tissues. I ran into the back end of a car who panicked braked because a truck coming from the opposite direction crowded her out of space at a choke point at a intersection. Its wide for trucks to turn and two cars to pass or wait for each other to pass to go on where there is only space for one. So I was a bit to close and my reaction time and braking ability was not good enough to get stopped in time. Looks like I lose all my savings to pay for the plastic to replace the front end of my scooter. Dang womans car got off with a loose bumper tab on one side, can just pop it back in.

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

ID: 38971 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 38978 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 12:44:30 UTC - in response to Message 38971.  

glad to still have a human 'round to play games with...

i heard beer is good for sore muscles and tissues. true?

well i am off work at the moment, going back tomorrow, had a accident yesterday, so a bit sore today.
nothing serious, just sore muscles and tissues. I ran into the back end of a car who panicked braked because a truck coming from the opposite direction crowded her out of space at a choke point at a intersection. Its wide for trucks to turn and two cars to pass or wait for each other to pass to go on where there is only space for one. So I was a bit to close and my reaction time and braking ability was not good enough to get stopped in time. Looks like I lose all my savings to pay for the plastic to replace the front end of my scooter. Dang womans car got off with a loose bumper tab on one side, can just pop it back in.

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

ID: 38978 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Eric Ogletree

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Message 38986 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 15:21:26 UTC - in response to Message 38978.  

Don't know if beer's good for sore muscles/tissue, but heard that it's got vitamin E in it. So might still have cramped muscles, but your hair would look good. @:^)

glad to still have a human 'round to play games with...

i heard beer is good for sore muscles and tissues. true?

well i am off work at the moment, going back tomorrow, had a accident yesterday, so a bit sore today.
nothing serious, just sore muscles and tissues. I ran into the back end of a car who panicked braked because a truck coming from the opposite direction crowded her out of space at a choke point at a intersection. Its wide for trucks to turn and two cars to pass or wait for each other to pass to go on where there is only space for one. So I was a bit to close and my reaction time and braking ability was not good enough to get stopped in time. Looks like I lose all my savings to pay for the plastic to replace the front end of my scooter. Dang womans car got off with a loose bumper tab on one side, can just pop it back in.

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
ID: 38986 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 38988 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 15:50:53 UTC - in response to Message 38986.  

isn't that beverage named for the vitamins it contains?

B, E1 E2 and R ?

Don't know if beer's good for sore muscles/tissue, but heard that it's got vitamin E in it.

So might still have cramped muscles, but your hair would look good. @:^)

glad to still have a human 'round to play games with...

i heard beer is good for sore muscles and tissues. true?

well i am off work at the moment, going back tomorrow, had a accident yesterday, so a bit sore today.
nothing serious, just sore muscles and tissues. I ran into the back end of a car who panicked braked because a truck coming from the opposite direction crowded her out of space at a choke point at a intersection. Its wide for trucks to turn and two cars to pass or wait for each other to pass to go on where there is only space for one. So I was a bit to close and my reaction time and braking ability was not good enough to get stopped in time. Looks like I lose all my savings to pay for the plastic to replace the front end of my scooter. Dang womans car got off with a loose bumper tab on one side, can just pop it back in.

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

ID: 38988 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Eric Ogletree

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Message 38989 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 16:01:00 UTC - in response to Message 38988.  

Hmmm... You know, you MIGHT be on to something... I'll have to put that to the test whenever I get some time off. @:^P

isn't that beverage named for the vitamins it contains?

B, E1 E2 and R ?

Don't know if beer's good for sore muscles/tissue, but heard that it's got vitamin E in it.

So might still have cramped muscles, but your hair would look good. @:^)

glad to still have a human 'round to play games with...

i heard beer is good for sore muscles and tissues. true?

well i am off work at the moment, going back tomorrow, had a accident yesterday, so a bit sore today.
nothing serious, just sore muscles and tissues. I ran into the back end of a car who panicked braked because a truck coming from the opposite direction crowded her out of space at a choke point at a intersection. Its wide for trucks to turn and two cars to pass or wait for each other to pass to go on where there is only space for one. So I was a bit to close and my reaction time and braking ability was not good enough to get stopped in time. Looks like I lose all my savings to pay for the plastic to replace the front end of my scooter. Dang womans car got off with a loose bumper tab on one side, can just pop it back in.

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
ID: 38989 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 38990 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 16:19:29 UTC - in response to Message 38989.  

also heard that vitamins G, I and N are important part of a balanced breakfast...

Hmmm... You know, you MIGHT be on to something... I'll have to put that to the test whenever I get some time off. @:^P

isn't that beverage named for the vitamins it contains?

B, E1 E2 and R ?

Don't know if beer's good for sore muscles/tissue, but heard that it's got vitamin E in it.

So might still have cramped muscles, but your hair would look good. @:^)

glad to still have a human 'round to play games with...

i heard beer is good for sore muscles and tissues. true?

well i am off work at the moment, going back tomorrow, had a accident yesterday, so a bit sore today.
nothing serious, just sore muscles and tissues. I ran into the back end of a car who panicked braked because a truck coming from the opposite direction crowded her out of space at a choke point at a intersection. Its wide for trucks to turn and two cars to pass or wait for each other to pass to go on where there is only space for one. So I was a bit to close and my reaction time and braking ability was not good enough to get stopped in time. Looks like I lose all my savings to pay for the plastic to replace the front end of my scooter. Dang womans car got off with a loose bumper tab on one side, can just pop it back in.

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

ID: 38990 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 38999 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 21:47:26 UTC - in response to Message 38990.  

this has antioxidants in it hence the o and a plus a bit of vitamin k and vitamin d which explains the v,d,k letters

also heard that vitamins G, I and N are important part of a balanced breakfast...

Hmmm... You know, you MIGHT be on to something... I'll have to put that to the test whenever I get some time off. @:^P

isn't that beverage named for the vitamins it contains?

B, E1 E2 and R ?

Don't know if beer's good for sore muscles/tissue, but heard that it's got vitamin E in it.

So might still have cramped muscles, but your hair would look good. @:^)

glad to still have a human 'round to play games with...

i heard beer is good for sore muscles and tissues. true?

well i am off work at the moment, going back tomorrow, had a accident yesterday, so a bit sore today.
nothing serious, just sore muscles and tissues. I ran into the back end of a car who panicked braked because a truck coming from the opposite direction crowded her out of space at a choke point at a intersection. Its wide for trucks to turn and two cars to pass or wait for each other to pass to go on where there is only space for one. So I was a bit to close and my reaction time and braking ability was not good enough to get stopped in time. Looks like I lose all my savings to pay for the plastic to replace the front end of my scooter. Dang womans car got off with a loose bumper tab on one side, can just pop it back in.

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

ID: 38999 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 39001 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 21:56:08 UTC - in response to Message 38999.  

are those more beneficial than vitamins A, L and E ?

this has antioxidants in it hence the o and a plus a bit of vitamin k and vitamin d which explains the v,d,k letters

also heard that vitamins G, I and N are important part of a balanced breakfast...

Hmmm... You know, you MIGHT be on to something... I'll have to put that to the test whenever I get some time off. @:^P

isn't that beverage named for the vitamins it contains?

B, E1 E2 and R ?

Don't know if beer's good for sore muscles/tissue, but heard that it's got vitamin E in it.

So might still have cramped muscles, but your hair would look good. @:^)

glad to still have a human 'round to play games with...

i heard beer is good for sore muscles and tissues. true?

well i am off work at the moment, going back tomorrow, had a accident yesterday, so a bit sore today.
nothing serious, just sore muscles and tissues. I ran into the back end of a car who panicked braked because a truck coming from the opposite direction crowded her out of space at a choke point at a intersection. Its wide for trucks to turn and two cars to pass or wait for each other to pass to go on where there is only space for one. So I was a bit to close and my reaction time and braking ability was not good enough to get stopped in time. Looks like I lose all my savings to pay for the plastic to replace the front end of my scooter. Dang womans car got off with a loose bumper tab on one side, can just pop it back in.

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 39002 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 22:00:47 UTC - in response to Message 39001.  

lol, damn...what about moonshine?
are those more beneficial than vitamins A, L and E ?

this has antioxidants in it hence the o and a plus a bit of vitamin k and vitamin d which explains the v,d,k letters

also heard that vitamins G, I and N are important part of a balanced breakfast...

Hmmm... You know, you MIGHT be on to something... I'll have to put that to the test whenever I get some time off. @:^P

isn't that beverage named for the vitamins it contains?

B, E1 E2 and R ?

Don't know if beer's good for sore muscles/tissue, but heard that it's got vitamin E in it.

So might still have cramped muscles, but your hair would look good. @:^)

glad to still have a human 'round to play games with...

i heard beer is good for sore muscles and tissues. true?

well i am off work at the moment, going back tomorrow, had a accident yesterday, so a bit sore today.
nothing serious, just sore muscles and tissues. I ran into the back end of a car who panicked braked because a truck coming from the opposite direction crowded her out of space at a choke point at a intersection. Its wide for trucks to turn and two cars to pass or wait for each other to pass to go on where there is only space for one. So I was a bit to close and my reaction time and braking ability was not good enough to get stopped in time. Looks like I lose all my savings to pay for the plastic to replace the front end of my scooter. Dang womans car got off with a loose bumper tab on one side, can just pop it back in.

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

ID: 39002 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 39006 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 22:20:19 UTC - in response to Message 39002.  

dang, now that theres gotta a lotta vitamins and minerals...

lol, damn...what about moonshine?
are those more beneficial than vitamins A, L and E ?

this has antioxidants in it hence the o and a plus a bit of vitamin k and vitamin d which explains the v,d,k letters

also heard that vitamins G, I and N are important part of a balanced breakfast...

Hmmm... You know, you MIGHT be on to something... I'll have to put that to the test whenever I get some time off. @:^P

isn't that beverage named for the vitamins it contains?

B, E1 E2 and R ?

Don't know if beer's good for sore muscles/tissue, but heard that it's got vitamin E in it.

So might still have cramped muscles, but your hair would look good. @:^)

glad to still have a human 'round to play games with...

i heard beer is good for sore muscles and tissues. true?

well i am off work at the moment, going back tomorrow, had a accident yesterday, so a bit sore today.
nothing serious, just sore muscles and tissues. I ran into the back end of a car who panicked braked because a truck coming from the opposite direction crowded her out of space at a choke point at a intersection. Its wide for trucks to turn and two cars to pass or wait for each other to pass to go on where there is only space for one. So I was a bit to close and my reaction time and braking ability was not good enough to get stopped in time. Looks like I lose all my savings to pay for the plastic to replace the front end of my scooter. Dang womans car got off with a loose bumper tab on one side, can just pop it back in.

the animals take the lead again.....
how is your day?
no rain here, just sun and the humans lead again
And we are in front again....... on this rainy morning
otoh, already played that game in previous thread.

variety being the spice of life, time to conjure up other "games",
though i'd imagine creativity necessary as this is a "Last one to post here wins!" thread.

how creative can we be in this type of thread...

it does get a little long, but its kind of our game and as far as i know it isn't prohibited

if modsense doesn't like it he can tell us here and can tell us how deep we can go if we want to do more of this, when we get tired of it we will break the chain

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