Last one to post here wins! #2

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Message 42825 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 12:33:30 UTC - in response to Message 42814.  

So who is the Superior ?

The brain is still the overall winner in many fields when it comes to numbers. However, because of its other commitments, the brain is less efficient when a person tries to use it for one specific function. The brain is as we can put it, a general purpose processor when compared to the computer. It therefore loses out when it comes to efficiency and performance. We have given the estimate for total human performance at 100 million MIPS, but the level of efficiency for which this can be applied to any task may only be a small fraction of the total. (this fraction depends on the adaptibilty of the brain to the task)

Deep Blue, the chess machine that bested world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, used specialized chips to process chess moves at a the speed equivalent to a 3 million MIPS universal computer. This is 1/30 of the estimate for total human performance. Since it is plausible that Kasparov, probably the best human player ever, can apply his brain power to the strange problems of chess with an efficiency of 1/30, Deep Blue's near parity with Kasparov's chess skill supports the theory of the level of efficiency of total performance. ( Garry Kasparov beat Deep Blue with a very close, 2 -1 )

Data was built with an ultimate storage capacity of 800 quadrillion bits (93,132,257.46 gigabytes or 88.82 petabytes). At the onset, Data was constructed with a total linear computational speed rated at 60 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS).[3] However, through bidirectional sequencing (which compensates for signal degradation) and conversion of his main interlink sequencer to asynchronous operation, Data's computational speed was later no longer limited by the physical separation of his positronic links and, thus, became effectively unlimited.[24] This allows for sapient cognition at a time-resolution of at least hundredths of a second. He has stated that, to him, a thought lasting for 0.68 seconds feels like "an eternity".[18]

Data's storage capacity is at least 17 times that of Google circa 2005, over 93 million iPod Shuffles, 11,904 times more than Wikipedia as of August 2006[27] or approx 20,696,057.21 standard DVDs. After Data's specifications were initially noted on-screen, TNG began referring to fictional quads (and SI prefix derivatives) as the basic units of computer storage capacity. As well, BlueGene/L, the world's fastest supercomputer, has a measured peak computational speed of approximately 280 TFLOPS, almost five times that of Data's initial computational speed.
In the Star Trek fictional universe, circa 2364, the android Data was constructed with an initial linear computational speed
rated at 60 trillion operations per second, or 60 TOPS (and thereby, potentially 'dating' the series Star Trek: The Next Generation
in which he appears); however, he was later able to infinitely exceed this limit by modifying his hardware and software.

but a computer in human form aka android such as data certainly knows how to many things and yes the borg do have a way with dealing with problems. resistance is futile they keep saying and they are often right about that.
I don't believe it..... A human can not know how such problems can be solved...
The animals are in front again..
I dunno... Those borg really know how to assimilate those problems... @:^P

animal life form looks for extra terristial - sounds good enough for me. don't all alien life forms carry star maps? if not then they can always ask star fleet or the klingons for help. maybe even the vulcans but certainly not the romulans or the borg.
How can ALF find ET? Has ALF a star map? Can you trust ALF?
The animals are taking the first place.
[action] sending ALF to visit ET and have him call home[/action]
Not bad, but where are the aliens now? Could the aliens write?
The animals lead now....
Penguin writes:
<action> penguin, lying in beach-chair, sipping alcoholic beverage, under sun-umbrella, awaiting the arrival of ET..... </action>
which makes for a perfect target for the humans to get rid of this pesky creature and let something else lead. perhaps the aliens would like to take over for a bit.
with "Animals are #1" written across the chest.....

who is really a penguin in a costume
who are watching the sky for ET...

use it to watch animals watching humans
o.k. Do you use this air craft for watching humans? or instead of a car?
The animals are in front again
ok, i'll scale down to one of these

And what will you do with this heavy air crafts? -> Bomb humans -> Defense rights?
the animals are in front!

ID: 42825 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 42828 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 12:43:37 UTC - in response to Message 42825.  

so for the moment the computers overtake the brain when computing chess.
but i have yet to see a robot that can analyze and correct itself for any number of random problems when it comes to walking or reacting to a unknown variable in its task. suppose that is more to do with programing. but still, a human can react instinctively faster to variables than a computer. A computer with a fixed set of variables can predict things faster/better than a human. Such as chess. But again, they had to come up with special chips and special programing to match a human brain. So the brain is superior. Besides how many different specialized computers would it take to analyze chess moves and keep breathing and other functions all simultaneously? But then Tasha Yar and that other character fell in love with the human symbolism of a walking and talking robot that had human characteristics. On the other hand Tasha Yar was under the influence and was horny as heck at the time. She wanted to test Data's fully functionality.

So who is the Superior ?

The brain is still the overall winner in many fields when it comes to numbers. However, because of its other commitments, the brain is less efficient when a person tries to use it for one specific function. The brain is as we can put it, a general purpose processor when compared to the computer. It therefore loses out when it comes to efficiency and performance. We have given the estimate for total human performance at 100 million MIPS, but the level of efficiency for which this can be applied to any task may only be a small fraction of the total. (this fraction depends on the adaptibilty of the brain to the task)

Deep Blue, the chess machine that bested world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, used specialized chips to process chess moves at a the speed equivalent to a 3 million MIPS universal computer. This is 1/30 of the estimate for total human performance. Since it is plausible that Kasparov, probably the best human player ever, can apply his brain power to the strange problems of chess with an efficiency of 1/30, Deep Blue's near parity with Kasparov's chess skill supports the theory of the level of efficiency of total performance. ( Garry Kasparov beat Deep Blue with a very close, 2 -1 )

Data was built with an ultimate storage capacity of 800 quadrillion bits (93,132,257.46 gigabytes or 88.82 petabytes). At the onset, Data was constructed with a total linear computational speed rated at 60 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS).[3] However, through bidirectional sequencing (which compensates for signal degradation) and conversion of his main interlink sequencer to asynchronous operation, Data's computational speed was later no longer limited by the physical separation of his positronic links and, thus, became effectively unlimited.[24] This allows for sapient cognition at a time-resolution of at least hundredths of a second. He has stated that, to him, a thought lasting for 0.68 seconds feels like "an eternity".[18]

Data's storage capacity is at least 17 times that of Google circa 2005, over 93 million iPod Shuffles, 11,904 times more than Wikipedia as of August 2006[27] or approx 20,696,057.21 standard DVDs. After Data's specifications were initially noted on-screen, TNG began referring to fictional quads (and SI prefix derivatives) as the basic units of computer storage capacity. As well, BlueGene/L, the world's fastest supercomputer, has a measured peak computational speed of approximately 280 TFLOPS, almost five times that of Data's initial computational speed.
In the Star Trek fictional universe, circa 2364, the android Data was constructed with an initial linear computational speed
rated at 60 trillion operations per second, or 60 TOPS (and thereby, potentially 'dating' the series Star Trek: The Next Generation
in which he appears); however, he was later able to infinitely exceed this limit by modifying his hardware and software.

but a computer in human form aka android such as data certainly knows how to many things and yes the borg do have a way with dealing with problems. resistance is futile they keep saying and they are often right about that.
I don't believe it..... A human can not know how such problems can be solved...
The animals are in front again..
I dunno... Those borg really know how to assimilate those problems... @:^P

animal life form looks for extra terristial - sounds good enough for me. don't all alien life forms carry star maps? if not then they can always ask star fleet or the klingons for help. maybe even the vulcans but certainly not the romulans or the borg.
How can ALF find ET? Has ALF a star map? Can you trust ALF?
The animals are taking the first place.
[action] sending ALF to visit ET and have him call home[/action]
Not bad, but where are the aliens now? Could the aliens write?
The animals lead now....
Penguin writes:
<action> penguin, lying in beach-chair, sipping alcoholic beverage, under sun-umbrella, awaiting the arrival of ET..... </action>
which makes for a perfect target for the humans to get rid of this pesky creature and let something else lead. perhaps the aliens would like to take over for a bit.
with "Animals are #1" written across the chest.....

who is really a penguin in a costume
who are watching the sky for ET...

use it to watch animals watching humans
o.k. Do you use this air craft for watching humans? or instead of a car?
The animals are in front again
ok, i'll scale down to one of these

And what will you do with this heavy air crafts? -> Bomb humans -> Defense rights?
the animals are in front!

ID: 42828 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Joined: 18 May 06
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Message 42830 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 12:44:50 UTC - in response to Message 42814.  

Oh, nice introduction..... Can you use this power for rosetta?
The animals lead again..
Data was built with an ultimate storage capacity of 800 quadrillion bits (93,132,257.46 gigabytes or 88.82 petabytes). At the onset, Data was constructed with a total linear computational speed rated at 60 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS).[3] However, through bidirectional sequencing (which compensates for signal degradation) and conversion of his main interlink sequencer to asynchronous operation, Data's computational speed was later no longer limited by the physical separation of his positronic links and, thus, became effectively unlimited.[24] This allows for sapient cognition at a time-resolution of at least hundredths of a second. He has stated that, to him, a thought lasting for 0.68 seconds feels like "an eternity".[18]

Data's storage capacity is at least 17 times that of Google circa 2005, over 93 million iPod Shuffles, 11,904 times more than Wikipedia as of August 2006[27] or approx 20,696,057.21 standard DVDs. After Data's specifications were initially noted on-screen, TNG began referring to fictional quads (and SI prefix derivatives) as the basic units of computer storage capacity. As well, BlueGene/L, the world's fastest supercomputer, has a measured peak computational speed of approximately 280 TFLOPS, almost five times that of Data's initial computational speed.
In the Star Trek fictional universe, circa 2364, the android Data was constructed with an initial linear computational speed
rated at 60 trillion operations per second, or 60 TOPS (and thereby, potentially 'dating' the series Star Trek: The Next Generation
in which he appears); however, he was later able to infinitely exceed this limit by modifying his hardware and software.

but a computer in human form aka android such as data certainly knows how to many things and yes the borg do have a way with dealing with problems. resistance is futile they keep saying and they are often right about that.
I don't believe it..... A human can not know how such problems can be solved...
The animals are in front again..
I dunno... Those borg really know how to assimilate those problems... @:^P

animal life form looks for extra terristial - sounds good enough for me. don't all alien life forms carry star maps? if not then they can always ask star fleet or the klingons for help. maybe even the vulcans but certainly not the romulans or the borg.
How can ALF find ET? Has ALF a star map? Can you trust ALF?
The animals are taking the first place.
[action] sending ALF to visit ET and have him call home[/action]
Not bad, but where are the aliens now? Could the aliens write?
The animals lead now....
Penguin writes:
<action> penguin, lying in beach-chair, sipping alcoholic beverage, under sun-umbrella, awaiting the arrival of ET..... </action>
which makes for a perfect target for the humans to get rid of this pesky creature and let something else lead. perhaps the aliens would like to take over for a bit.
with "Animals are #1" written across the chest.....

who is really a penguin in a costume
who are watching the sky for ET...

use it to watch animals watching humans
o.k. Do you use this air craft for watching humans? or instead of a car?
The animals are in front again
ok, i'll scale down to one of these

And what will you do with this heavy air crafts? -> Bomb humans -> Defense rights?
the animals are in front!

ID: 42830 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Joined: 30 May 06
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Message 42832 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 13:33:14 UTC - in response to Message 42830.  

notice he was a android of human the humans are all powerful.
Oh, nice introduction..... Can you use this power for rosetta?
The animals lead again..
Data was built with an ultimate storage capacity of 800 quadrillion bits (93,132,257.46 gigabytes or 88.82 petabytes). At the onset, Data was constructed with a total linear computational speed rated at 60 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS).[3] However, through bidirectional sequencing (which compensates for signal degradation) and conversion of his main interlink sequencer to asynchronous operation, Data's computational speed was later no longer limited by the physical separation of his positronic links and, thus, became effectively unlimited.[24] This allows for sapient cognition at a time-resolution of at least hundredths of a second. He has stated that, to him, a thought lasting for 0.68 seconds feels like "an eternity".[18]

Data's storage capacity is at least 17 times that of Google circa 2005, over 93 million iPod Shuffles, 11,904 times more than Wikipedia as of August 2006[27] or approx 20,696,057.21 standard DVDs. After Data's specifications were initially noted on-screen, TNG began referring to fictional quads (and SI prefix derivatives) as the basic units of computer storage capacity. As well, BlueGene/L, the world's fastest supercomputer, has a measured peak computational speed of approximately 280 TFLOPS, almost five times that of Data's initial computational speed.
In the Star Trek fictional universe, circa 2364, the android Data was constructed with an initial linear computational speed
rated at 60 trillion operations per second, or 60 TOPS (and thereby, potentially 'dating' the series Star Trek: The Next Generation
in which he appears); however, he was later able to infinitely exceed this limit by modifying his hardware and software.

but a computer in human form aka android such as data certainly knows how to many things and yes the borg do have a way with dealing with problems. resistance is futile they keep saying and they are often right about that.
I don't believe it..... A human can not know how such problems can be solved...
The animals are in front again..
I dunno... Those borg really know how to assimilate those problems... @:^P

animal life form looks for extra terristial - sounds good enough for me. don't all alien life forms carry star maps? if not then they can always ask star fleet or the klingons for help. maybe even the vulcans but certainly not the romulans or the borg.
How can ALF find ET? Has ALF a star map? Can you trust ALF?
The animals are taking the first place.
[action] sending ALF to visit ET and have him call home[/action]
Not bad, but where are the aliens now? Could the aliens write?
The animals lead now....
Penguin writes:
<action> penguin, lying in beach-chair, sipping alcoholic beverage, under sun-umbrella, awaiting the arrival of ET..... </action>
which makes for a perfect target for the humans to get rid of this pesky creature and let something else lead. perhaps the aliens would like to take over for a bit.
with "Animals are #1" written across the chest.....

who is really a penguin in a costume
who are watching the sky for ET...

use it to watch animals watching humans
o.k. Do you use this air craft for watching humans? or instead of a car?
The animals are in front again
ok, i'll scale down to one of these

And what will you do with this heavy air crafts? -> Bomb humans -> Defense rights?
the animals are in front!

ID: 42832 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Joined: 18 May 06
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Message 42833 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 13:48:05 UTC - in response to Message 42832.  

So please crunch for rosetta with using a computer......
The animals lead again...
notice he was a android of human the humans are all powerful.
Oh, nice introduction..... Can you use this power for rosetta?
The animals lead again..
Data was built with an ultimate storage capacity of 800 quadrillion bits (93,132,257.46 gigabytes or 88.82 petabytes). At the onset, Data was constructed with a total linear computational speed rated at 60 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS).[3] However, through bidirectional sequencing (which compensates for signal degradation) and conversion of his main interlink sequencer to asynchronous operation, Data's computational speed was later no longer limited by the physical separation of his positronic links and, thus, became effectively unlimited.[24] This allows for sapient cognition at a time-resolution of at least hundredths of a second. He has stated that, to him, a thought lasting for 0.68 seconds feels like "an eternity".[18]

Data's storage capacity is at least 17 times that of Google circa 2005, over 93 million iPod Shuffles, 11,904 times more than Wikipedia as of August 2006[27] or approx 20,696,057.21 standard DVDs. After Data's specifications were initially noted on-screen, TNG began referring to fictional quads (and SI prefix derivatives) as the basic units of computer storage capacity. As well, BlueGene/L, the world's fastest supercomputer, has a measured peak computational speed of approximately 280 TFLOPS, almost five times that of Data's initial computational speed.
In the Star Trek fictional universe, circa 2364, the android Data was constructed with an initial linear computational speed
rated at 60 trillion operations per second, or 60 TOPS (and thereby, potentially 'dating' the series Star Trek: The Next Generation
in which he appears); however, he was later able to infinitely exceed this limit by modifying his hardware and software.

but a computer in human form aka android such as data certainly knows how to many things and yes the borg do have a way with dealing with problems. resistance is futile they keep saying and they are often right about that.
I don't believe it..... A human can not know how such problems can be solved...
The animals are in front again..
I dunno... Those borg really know how to assimilate those problems... @:^P

animal life form looks for extra terristial - sounds good enough for me. don't all alien life forms carry star maps? if not then they can always ask star fleet or the klingons for help. maybe even the vulcans but certainly not the romulans or the borg.
How can ALF find ET? Has ALF a star map? Can you trust ALF?
The animals are taking the first place.
[action] sending ALF to visit ET and have him call home[/action]
Not bad, but where are the aliens now? Could the aliens write?
The animals lead now....
Penguin writes:
<action> penguin, lying in beach-chair, sipping alcoholic beverage, under sun-umbrella, awaiting the arrival of ET..... </action>
which makes for a perfect target for the humans to get rid of this pesky creature and let something else lead. perhaps the aliens would like to take over for a bit.
with "Animals are #1" written across the chest.....

who is really a penguin in a costume
who are watching the sky for ET...

use it to watch animals watching humans
o.k. Do you use this air craft for watching humans? or instead of a car?
The animals are in front again
ok, i'll scale down to one of these

And what will you do with this heavy air crafts? -> Bomb humans -> Defense rights?
the animals are in front!

ID: 42833 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 42841 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 17:27:12 UTC - in response to Message 42833.  

i am using a computer to crunch, just not as good as these other computers.

So please crunch for rosetta with using a computer......
The animals lead again...
notice he was a android of human the humans are all powerful.
Oh, nice introduction..... Can you use this power for rosetta?
The animals lead again..
Data was built with an ultimate storage capacity of 800 quadrillion bits (93,132,257.46 gigabytes or 88.82 petabytes). At the onset, Data was constructed with a total linear computational speed rated at 60 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS).[3] However, through bidirectional sequencing (which compensates for signal degradation) and conversion of his main interlink sequencer to asynchronous operation, Data's computational speed was later no longer limited by the physical separation of his positronic links and, thus, became effectively unlimited.[24] This allows for sapient cognition at a time-resolution of at least hundredths of a second. He has stated that, to him, a thought lasting for 0.68 seconds feels like "an eternity".[18]

Data's storage capacity is at least 17 times that of Google circa 2005, over 93 million iPod Shuffles, 11,904 times more than Wikipedia as of August 2006[27] or approx 20,696,057.21 standard DVDs. After Data's specifications were initially noted on-screen, TNG began referring to fictional quads (and SI prefix derivatives) as the basic units of computer storage capacity. As well, BlueGene/L, the world's fastest supercomputer, has a measured peak computational speed of approximately 280 TFLOPS, almost five times that of Data's initial computational speed.
In the Star Trek fictional universe, circa 2364, the android Data was constructed with an initial linear computational speed
rated at 60 trillion operations per second, or 60 TOPS (and thereby, potentially 'dating' the series Star Trek: The Next Generation
in which he appears); however, he was later able to infinitely exceed this limit by modifying his hardware and software.

but a computer in human form aka android such as data certainly knows how to many things and yes the borg do have a way with dealing with problems. resistance is futile they keep saying and they are often right about that.
I don't believe it..... A human can not know how such problems can be solved...
The animals are in front again..
I dunno... Those borg really know how to assimilate those problems... @:^P

animal life form looks for extra terristial - sounds good enough for me. don't all alien life forms carry star maps? if not then they can always ask star fleet or the klingons for help. maybe even the vulcans but certainly not the romulans or the borg.
How can ALF find ET? Has ALF a star map? Can you trust ALF?
The animals are taking the first place.
[action] sending ALF to visit ET and have him call home[/action]
Not bad, but where are the aliens now? Could the aliens write?
The animals lead now....
Penguin writes:
<action> penguin, lying in beach-chair, sipping alcoholic beverage, under sun-umbrella, awaiting the arrival of ET..... </action>
which makes for a perfect target for the humans to get rid of this pesky creature and let something else lead. perhaps the aliens would like to take over for a bit.
with "Animals are #1" written across the chest.....

who is really a penguin in a costume
who are watching the sky for ET...

use it to watch animals watching humans
o.k. Do you use this air craft for watching humans? or instead of a car?
The animals are in front again
ok, i'll scale down to one of these

And what will you do with this heavy air crafts? -> Bomb humans -> Defense rights?
the animals are in front!

ID: 42841 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Joined: 18 May 06
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Message 42849 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 19:26:12 UTC - in response to Message 42841.  

So you have to find the fablous DATA for helping crunch for rosetta!
We are in lead again
i am using a computer to crunch, just not as good as these other computers.

So please crunch for rosetta with using a computer......
The animals lead again...
notice he was a android of human the humans are all powerful.
Oh, nice introduction..... Can you use this power for rosetta?
The animals lead again..
Data was built with an ultimate storage capacity of 800 quadrillion bits (93,132,257.46 gigabytes or 88.82 petabytes). At the onset, Data was constructed with a total linear computational speed rated at 60 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS).[3] However, through bidirectional sequencing (which compensates for signal degradation) and conversion of his main interlink sequencer to asynchronous operation, Data's computational speed was later no longer limited by the physical separation of his positronic links and, thus, became effectively unlimited.[24] This allows for sapient cognition at a time-resolution of at least hundredths of a second. He has stated that, to him, a thought lasting for 0.68 seconds feels like "an eternity".[18]

Data's storage capacity is at least 17 times that of Google circa 2005, over 93 million iPod Shuffles, 11,904 times more than Wikipedia as of August 2006[27] or approx 20,696,057.21 standard DVDs. After Data's specifications were initially noted on-screen, TNG began referring to fictional quads (and SI prefix derivatives) as the basic units of computer storage capacity. As well, BlueGene/L, the world's fastest supercomputer, has a measured peak computational speed of approximately 280 TFLOPS, almost five times that of Data's initial computational speed.
In the Star Trek fictional universe, circa 2364, the android Data was constructed with an initial linear computational speed
rated at 60 trillion operations per second, or 60 TOPS (and thereby, potentially 'dating' the series Star Trek: The Next Generation
in which he appears); however, he was later able to infinitely exceed this limit by modifying his hardware and software.

but a computer in human form aka android such as data certainly knows how to many things and yes the borg do have a way with dealing with problems. resistance is futile they keep saying and they are often right about that.
I don't believe it..... A human can not know how such problems can be solved...
The animals are in front again..
I dunno... Those borg really know how to assimilate those problems... @:^P

animal life form looks for extra terristial - sounds good enough for me. don't all alien life forms carry star maps? if not then they can always ask star fleet or the klingons for help. maybe even the vulcans but certainly not the romulans or the borg.
How can ALF find ET? Has ALF a star map? Can you trust ALF?
The animals are taking the first place.
[action] sending ALF to visit ET and have him call home[/action]
Not bad, but where are the aliens now? Could the aliens write?
The animals lead now....
Penguin writes:
<action> penguin, lying in beach-chair, sipping alcoholic beverage, under sun-umbrella, awaiting the arrival of ET..... </action>
which makes for a perfect target for the humans to get rid of this pesky creature and let something else lead. perhaps the aliens would like to take over for a bit.
with "Animals are #1" written across the chest.....

who is really a penguin in a costume
who are watching the sky for ET...

use it to watch animals watching humans
o.k. Do you use this air craft for watching humans? or instead of a car?
The animals are in front again
ok, i'll scale down to one of these

And what will you do with this heavy air crafts? -> Bomb humans -> Defense rights?
the animals are in front!

ID: 42849 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Eric Ogletree

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Message 42853 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 20:00:52 UTC - in response to Message 42849.  

Only for a little while... Humans rock! @:^)

So you have to find the fablous DATA for helping crunch for rosetta!
We are in lead again
i am using a computer to crunch, just not as good as these other computers.

So please crunch for rosetta with using a computer......
The animals lead again...
notice he was a android of human the humans are all powerful.
Oh, nice introduction..... Can you use this power for rosetta?
The animals lead again..
Data was built with an ultimate storage capacity of 800 quadrillion bits (93,132,257.46 gigabytes or 88.82 petabytes). At the onset, Data was constructed with a total linear computational speed rated at 60 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS).[3] However, through bidirectional sequencing (which compensates for signal degradation) and conversion of his main interlink sequencer to asynchronous operation, Data's computational speed was later no longer limited by the physical separation of his positronic links and, thus, became effectively unlimited.[24] This allows for sapient cognition at a time-resolution of at least hundredths of a second. He has stated that, to him, a thought lasting for 0.68 seconds feels like "an eternity".[18]

Data's storage capacity is at least 17 times that of Google circa 2005, over 93 million iPod Shuffles, 11,904 times more than Wikipedia as of August 2006[27] or approx 20,696,057.21 standard DVDs. After Data's specifications were initially noted on-screen, TNG began referring to fictional quads (and SI prefix derivatives) as the basic units of computer storage capacity. As well, BlueGene/L, the world's fastest supercomputer, has a measured peak computational speed of approximately 280 TFLOPS, almost five times that of Data's initial computational speed.
In the Star Trek fictional universe, circa 2364, the android Data was constructed with an initial linear computational speed
rated at 60 trillion operations per second, or 60 TOPS (and thereby, potentially 'dating' the series Star Trek: The Next Generation
in which he appears); however, he was later able to infinitely exceed this limit by modifying his hardware and software.

but a computer in human form aka android such as data certainly knows how to many things and yes the borg do have a way with dealing with problems. resistance is futile they keep saying and they are often right about that.
I don't believe it..... A human can not know how such problems can be solved...
The animals are in front again..
I dunno... Those borg really know how to assimilate those problems... @:^P

animal life form looks for extra terristial - sounds good enough for me. don't all alien life forms carry star maps? if not then they can always ask star fleet or the klingons for help. maybe even the vulcans but certainly not the romulans or the borg.
How can ALF find ET? Has ALF a star map? Can you trust ALF?
The animals are taking the first place.
[action] sending ALF to visit ET and have him call home[/action]
Not bad, but where are the aliens now? Could the aliens write?
The animals lead now....
Penguin writes:
<action> penguin, lying in beach-chair, sipping alcoholic beverage, under sun-umbrella, awaiting the arrival of ET..... </action>
which makes for a perfect target for the humans to get rid of this pesky creature and let something else lead. perhaps the aliens would like to take over for a bit.
with "Animals are #1" written across the chest.....

who is really a penguin in a costume
who are watching the sky for ET...

use it to watch animals watching humans
o.k. Do you use this air craft for watching humans? or instead of a car?
The animals are in front again
ok, i'll scale down to one of these

And what will you do with this heavy air crafts? -> Bomb humans -> Defense rights?
the animals are in front!

There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
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Message 42856 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 20:08:47 UTC - in response to Message 42853.  

Please describe your way finding the fablous DATA from Star wars..
The animals are in front again
Only for a little while... Humans rock! @:^)

So you have to find the fablous DATA for helping crunch for rosetta!
We are in lead again
i am using a computer to crunch, just not as good as these other computers.

So please crunch for rosetta with using a computer......
The animals lead again...
notice he was a android of human the humans are all powerful.
Oh, nice introduction..... Can you use this power for rosetta?
The animals lead again..
Data was built with an ultimate storage capacity of 800 quadrillion bits (93,132,257.46 gigabytes or 88.82 petabytes). At the onset, Data was constructed with a total linear computational speed rated at 60 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS).[3] However, through bidirectional sequencing (which compensates for signal degradation) and conversion of his main interlink sequencer to asynchronous operation, Data's computational speed was later no longer limited by the physical separation of his positronic links and, thus, became effectively unlimited.[24] This allows for sapient cognition at a time-resolution of at least hundredths of a second. He has stated that, to him, a thought lasting for 0.68 seconds feels like "an eternity".[18]

Data's storage capacity is at least 17 times that of Google circa 2005, over 93 million iPod Shuffles, 11,904 times more than Wikipedia as of August 2006[27] or approx 20,696,057.21 standard DVDs. After Data's specifications were initially noted on-screen, TNG began referring to fictional quads (and SI prefix derivatives) as the basic units of computer storage capacity. As well, BlueGene/L, the world's fastest supercomputer, has a measured peak computational speed of approximately 280 TFLOPS, almost five times that of Data's initial computational speed.
In the Star Trek fictional universe, circa 2364, the android Data was constructed with an initial linear computational speed
rated at 60 trillion operations per second, or 60 TOPS (and thereby, potentially 'dating' the series Star Trek: The Next Generation
in which he appears); however, he was later able to infinitely exceed this limit by modifying his hardware and software.

but a computer in human form aka android such as data certainly knows how to many things and yes the borg do have a way with dealing with problems. resistance is futile they keep saying and they are often right about that.
I don't believe it..... A human can not know how such problems can be solved...
The animals are in front again..
I dunno... Those borg really know how to assimilate those problems... @:^P

animal life form looks for extra terristial - sounds good enough for me. don't all alien life forms carry star maps? if not then they can always ask star fleet or the klingons for help. maybe even the vulcans but certainly not the romulans or the borg.
How can ALF find ET? Has ALF a star map? Can you trust ALF?
The animals are taking the first place.
[action] sending ALF to visit ET and have him call home[/action]
Not bad, but where are the aliens now? Could the aliens write?
The animals lead now....
Penguin writes:
<action> penguin, lying in beach-chair, sipping alcoholic beverage, under sun-umbrella, awaiting the arrival of ET..... </action>
which makes for a perfect target for the humans to get rid of this pesky creature and let something else lead. perhaps the aliens would like to take over for a bit.
with "Animals are #1" written across the chest.....

who is really a penguin in a costume
who are watching the sky for ET...

use it to watch animals watching humans
o.k. Do you use this air craft for watching humans? or instead of a car?
The animals are in front again
ok, i'll scale down to one of these

And what will you do with this heavy air crafts? -> Bomb humans -> Defense rights?
the animals are in front!

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Message 42858 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 20:54:53 UTC

next one to post wins a rosetta@home bumper sticker
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Message 42859 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 21:09:34 UTC - in response to Message 42858.  

O.k. please send me one...
question: Please describe your way finding the fablous DATA from Star wars..
The animals are in front again
next one to post wins a rosetta@home bumper sticker

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Message 42860 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 21:11:58 UTC - in response to Message 42859.  
Last modified: 29 Jun 2007, 21:18:07 UTC

i think data is from star trek: the next generation.....

O.k. please send me one...
question: Please describe your way finding the fablous DATA from Star wars..
The animals are in front again
next one to post wins a rosetta@home bumper sticker

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Message 42861 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 21:22:30 UTC - in response to Message 42860.  

i think data is from star trek: the next generation.....

O.k. please send me one...
question: Please describe your way finding the fablous DATA from Star wars..
The animals are in front again
next one to post wins a rosetta@home bumper sticker

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.ok but i need a post office box or a place to send it
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Message 42864 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 21:39:15 UTC - in response to Message 42861.  

i think data is from star trek: the next generation.....

O.k. please send me one...
question: Please describe your way finding the fablous DATA from Star wars..
The animals are in front again
next one to post wins a rosetta@home bumper sticker

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.ok but i need a post office box or a place to send it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...i got 2.... tiger and penguin wins 1 .....just need a place to send it.......
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Message 42871 - Posted: 30 Jun 2007, 12:20:56 UTC

so again the humans win for 14hrs + straight and the animals just get bumper stickers to put on their hind bumpers.
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Message 42876 - Posted: 30 Jun 2007, 13:08:46 UTC - in response to Message 42871.  

i think he's implying we have some "junk in the trunk" on which to put a bumper sticker.....

so again the humans win for 14hrs + straight and the animals just get bumper stickers to put on their hind bumpers.

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Message 42884 - Posted: 30 Jun 2007, 13:55:57 UTC

I think this thread is insane. And it takes FOREVER to load, too!

== Bill
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Message 42885 - Posted: 30 Jun 2007, 14:17:04 UTC - in response to Message 42884.  

Insane or not -> get a better and faster browser....
I have no problem to load ths thread....
And the animals are in front again..
I think this thread is insane. And it takes FOREVER to load, too!

== Bill

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Message 42889 - Posted: 30 Jun 2007, 16:11:05 UTC - in response to Message 42885.  

Get a real ISP and use something other than IE and you might get a faster load.
I have no trouble loading in long threads either.
Insane or not -> get a better and faster browser....
I have no problem to load ths thread....
And the animals are in front again..
I think this thread is insane. And it takes FOREVER to load, too!

== Bill

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Message 42893 - Posted: 30 Jun 2007, 17:10:10 UTC - in response to Message 42889.  

you can use Firefox instead of IE...
The animals are in front again!
Get a real ISP and use something other than IE and you might get a faster load.
I have no trouble loading in long threads either.
Insane or not -> get a better and faster browser....
I have no problem to load ths thread....
And the animals are in front again..
I think this thread is insane. And it takes FOREVER to load, too!

== Bill

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