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Message 48453 - Posted: 7 Nov 2007, 20:36:39 UTC - in response to Message 48448.  

my dear Belgium friend..... I have not enough money for living, but too much money for passing away ;-)
ahh...but think of the nice burn as it goes down and how warm you will feel after wise. not to mention how much lighter you bank account will be for such a pleasure.
oh yes, I love Glenfiddich very much.... but the 64 years old is a little bit expensive.....
50 year old whisky? or perhaps this vintage is better?
oh yes, with a double whisky perhaps...
oh, before dawns early light then
maybo, but very very early in the morning...
oh you mean after taps and change of shift
o'dark-hundred hours, just like we used to do in the military...

how early?
early in the morning?
not if you keep drinking
do they ever have to wear off ?!

until the effect wears off
Moonshine makes brain feel goodness...
thats what irish moonshine will do to you lol, got to quit drinking a day before you updgrade. lol switchover to a pangalactic gargleblaster instead.
You're probably right. I tried potchine once and I used to be a nuclear scientist, now I struggle with BOINC upgrades ;)
lol..thought that was the martini from M*A*S*H
Potchine (91%) Also good as a paint stripper ;)

ahh, now you sound like a true purist that knows his stuff!
so ale is not really strong, but just enough to warm you up.
i can't handle anything much over 2% unless its really diluted.
was raised as a non drinker, so my college days were experimented with bartles and james wine coolers and later on occasions a coke and rum heavy on the coke.

Ah now, you are talking different beers here.

Real ale is real ale up to about 4.5% on average. Barley wines are something entirely different.

There used to be Watneys Stingo, and Youngs Winter Warmer etc but I think they have gone now. Barley wines are a cross between strong beer and spirits which have not really caught on in the UK. Same thing happened to Merrydown Cider which used to be sold in "nips" in the 70's (7.5%).

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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 48458 - Posted: 7 Nov 2007, 22:35:42 UTC - in response to Message 48453.  
Last modified: 7 Nov 2007, 22:36:28 UTC

hmmm...been there and experienced that :| I understand, but if you do happen to have some rich friends, perhaps you can ask of this bottle for the holiday. you know in the name of christmas charm and something to keep you warm. I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.
my dear Belgium friend..... I have not enough money for living, but too much money for passing away ;-)
ahh...but think of the nice burn as it goes down and how warm you will feel after wise. not to mention how much lighter you bank account will be for such a pleasure.
oh yes, I love Glenfiddich very much.... but the 64 years old is a little bit expensive.....
50 year old whisky? or perhaps this vintage is better?
oh yes, with a double whisky perhaps...
oh, before dawns early light then
maybo, but very very early in the morning...
oh you mean after taps and change of shift
o'dark-hundred hours, just like we used to do in the military...

how early?
early in the morning?
not if you keep drinking
do they ever have to wear off ?!

until the effect wears off
Moonshine makes brain feel goodness...
thats what irish moonshine will do to you lol, got to quit drinking a day before you updgrade. lol switchover to a pangalactic gargleblaster instead.
You're probably right. I tried potchine once and I used to be a nuclear scientist, now I struggle with BOINC upgrades ;)
lol..thought that was the martini from M*A*S*H
Potchine (91%) Also good as a paint stripper ;)

ahh, now you sound like a true purist that knows his stuff!
so ale is not really strong, but just enough to warm you up.
i can't handle anything much over 2% unless its really diluted.
was raised as a non drinker, so my college days were experimented with bartles and james wine coolers and later on occasions a coke and rum heavy on the coke.

Ah now, you are talking different beers here.

Real ale is real ale up to about 4.5% on average. Barley wines are something entirely different.

There used to be Watneys Stingo, and Youngs Winter Warmer etc but I think they have gone now. Barley wines are a cross between strong beer and spirits which have not really caught on in the UK. Same thing happened to Merrydown Cider which used to be sold in "nips" in the 70's (7.5%).

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Message 48461 - Posted: 7 Nov 2007, 23:46:47 UTC - in response to Message 48458.  
Last modified: 7 Nov 2007, 23:47:32 UTC

[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

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Message 48464 - Posted: 8 Nov 2007, 6:34:03 UTC - in response to Message 48461.  

How much whisky can a buy for an EURO?
[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

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Message 48465 - Posted: 8 Nov 2007, 11:31:44 UTC - in response to Message 48464.  

I think greg meant to offer you one euro for every Rosie cruncher...

How much whisky can a buy for an EURO?
[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

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Message 48466 - Posted: 8 Nov 2007, 11:47:47 UTC - in response to Message 48465.  

The a bit better, but not enough....
What is the offer about my credits? Just 0.50 Euro per credit..... that would be nice
I think greg meant to offer you one euro for every Rosie cruncher...

How much whisky can a buy for an EURO?
[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 48469 - Posted: 8 Nov 2007, 18:58:30 UTC - in response to Message 48466.  

nah...looks like .0001 cents per credit is all i can afford
The a bit better, but not enough....
What is the offer about my credits? Just 0.50 Euro per credit..... that would be nice
I think greg meant to offer you one euro for every Rosie cruncher...

How much whisky can a buy for an EURO?
[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

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Message 48474 - Posted: 8 Nov 2007, 20:17:28 UTC - in response to Message 48469.  

Oh my dear friend, that is not enough money for me..........
So I can just dream of this very good and old whisky.....
nah...looks like .0001 cents per credit is all i can afford
The a bit better, but not enough....
What is the offer about my credits? Just 0.50 Euro per credit..... that would be nice
I think greg meant to offer you one euro for every Rosie cruncher...

How much whisky can a buy for an EURO?
[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

ID: 48474 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 48482 - Posted: 9 Nov 2007, 6:20:08 UTC - in response to Message 48474.  

ask the rich penguin for a sip
Oh my dear friend, that is not enough money for me..........
So I can just dream of this very good and old whisky.....
nah...looks like .0001 cents per credit is all i can afford
The a bit better, but not enough....
What is the offer about my credits? Just 0.50 Euro per credit..... that would be nice
I think greg meant to offer you one euro for every Rosie cruncher...

How much whisky can a buy for an EURO?
[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

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Message 48485 - Posted: 9 Nov 2007, 7:03:01 UTC - in response to Message 48482.  

I am just waiting for your 1 EURO donation
ask the rich penguin for a sip
Oh my dear friend, that is not enough money for me..........
So I can just dream of this very good and old whisky.....
nah...looks like .0001 cents per credit is all i can afford
The a bit better, but not enough....
What is the offer about my credits? Just 0.50 Euro per credit..... that would be nice
I think greg meant to offer you one euro for every Rosie cruncher...

How much whisky can a buy for an EURO?
[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

ID: 48485 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 48497 - Posted: 9 Nov 2007, 12:45:57 UTC - in response to Message 48485.  

well lets see, to look impressive i will give you 100 1 euro cent pieces for a donation
I am just waiting for your 1 EURO donation
ask the rich penguin for a sip
Oh my dear friend, that is not enough money for me..........
So I can just dream of this very good and old whisky.....
nah...looks like .0001 cents per credit is all i can afford
The a bit better, but not enough....
What is the offer about my credits? Just 0.50 Euro per credit..... that would be nice
I think greg meant to offer you one euro for every Rosie cruncher...

How much whisky can a buy for an EURO?
[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

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Message 48518 - Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 12:26:39 UTC - in response to Message 48497.  

and i'm still trying to get rid of these Confederate States of Amercia dollars...

well lets see, to look impressive i will give you 100 1 euro cent pieces for a donation
I am just waiting for your 1 EURO donation
ask the rich penguin for a sip
Oh my dear friend, that is not enough money for me..........
So I can just dream of this very good and old whisky.....
nah...looks like .0001 cents per credit is all i can afford
The a bit better, but not enough....
What is the offer about my credits? Just 0.50 Euro per credit..... that would be nice
I think greg meant to offer you one euro for every Rosie cruncher...

How much whisky can a buy for an EURO?
[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 48522 - Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 14:10:28 UTC - in response to Message 48518.  

not much value in them i see from looking around....
and i'm still trying to get rid of these Confederate States of Amercia dollars...

well lets see, to look impressive i will give you 100 1 euro cent pieces for a donation
I am just waiting for your 1 EURO donation
ask the rich penguin for a sip
Oh my dear friend, that is not enough money for me..........
So I can just dream of this very good and old whisky.....
nah...looks like .0001 cents per credit is all i can afford
The a bit better, but not enough....
What is the offer about my credits? Just 0.50 Euro per credit..... that would be nice
I think greg meant to offer you one euro for every Rosie cruncher...

How much whisky can a buy for an EURO?
[parody of tv commercial - "bagel? what's a bagel?"]

euro? what's a euro?


I would be willing to donate a euro to the cause.

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Profile rochester new york

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Message 48528 - Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 17:26:03 UTC
Last modified: 10 Nov 2007, 17:44:04 UTC

how about some rosetta@home ribbons?
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Profile Matthew Love

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Message 48546 - Posted: 11 Nov 2007, 2:47:52 UTC

ID: 48546 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
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Message 48549 - Posted: 11 Nov 2007, 10:33:41 UTC - in response to Message 48546.  

you forgot the klingons on your tail

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Message 48564 - Posted: 11 Nov 2007, 19:04:18 UTC - in response to Message 48549.  

The question is: who has forgotten what?
The answer is: the famous animals
you forgot the klingons on your tail

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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 48567 - Posted: 11 Nov 2007, 19:42:40 UTC - in response to Message 48564.  

that translates as the animals forgot everything
The question is: who has forgotten what?
The answer is: the famous animals
you forgot the klingons on your tail

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Message 48571 - Posted: 11 Nov 2007, 20:38:15 UTC - in response to Message 48567.  

what have the animals forgotten? The lead? NO
that translates as the animals forgot everything
The question is: who has forgotten what?
The answer is: the famous animals
you forgot the klingons on your tail

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Message 48580 - Posted: 12 Nov 2007, 2:34:16 UTC - in response to Message 48571.  
Last modified: 12 Nov 2007, 2:36:11 UTC

going on a little bit of a shopping spree:

purchased an antec solo computer case, an earthwatts psu, 4gb of ocz ram, dvd/cd, and hdd.

just waiting for an intel penryn q9450 and mobo.

then i'll have another quadcore online, 12mb L2 cache.

planning on picking up an ati 1950pro in the next few days.

and the ps/3 within a week or so.

can you think of a dc project that would appreciate all this?

Hint: it's not Rosie !!!

ooops, why has my Rosie rac dropped from over 1000?

what have the animals forgotten? The lead? NO
that translates as the animals forgot everything
The question is: who has forgotten what?
The answer is: the famous animals
you forgot the klingons on your tail

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