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Message 54002 - Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 7:09:19 UTC
Last modified: 26 Jun 2008, 7:41:01 UTC

I'm new to Rosetta and have only processed a few work units. The units running on the computer at home proceed as normally expected (Core2Duo 2.66GHz). The work computer (Athlon XP1800) seems to be having a weird problem. The WU's never make any progress. They state that they are running with an estimated finishing time of 7+ hours, yet after 5 or 6 hours the progress is still sitting at 0.00%.

There are also no graphics to be seen in the WU's on the work PC, yet I have graphics on the home PC.

Well, an hour after this post, I received a WU that is progressing and showing graphics as it should. Would still like to hear if there is any idea what was happening with the other WU's.
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Message 54009 - Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 16:07:41 UTC

There are differences in the graphics for the different Rosetta versions. The version is shown in the advanced view in the BOINC Manager.

There have been some recent issues with tasks reaching 100% complete and BOINC not starting a new task. But I don't believe I've seen any problems where it runs for hours at 0%. Is it possible your machine had some other program consuming all the CPU for a period of time? Since BOINC runs at low priority, anything else runs first. Such as a browser getting hung up on some fancy ads.

Do you have any idea which task was running at the time?
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 54095 - Posted: 1 Jul 2008, 4:22:06 UTC - in response to Message 54009.  

Thanks for your reply.

I have noticed, the WU's that do not get anywhere ALL mention something about "mini" in the application. Currently, if I get one that hangs like that, I abort it and the next WU will start and run normally. I will try to keep a record of details when this happens and give you some better information.

There are no other resource hogs running at the same time.
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Message 54148 - Posted: 3 Jul 2008, 0:23:56 UTC

Have an update.

Every task that I have problems with, runs the application Mini Rosetta 1.28.

All tasks running that application get absolutely nowhere. The status states that the task is running but the CPU time never shows any time and obviously, the progress gets nowhere.

Plus I get this repeating in the messages window.

"3/07/2008 9:15:58 AM|rosetta@home|Restarting task rb_07_01_11714_21029_T0480_IGNORE_THE_REST_10_13_4146_751_0 using minirosetta version 128
3/07/2008 9:19:08 AM|rosetta@home|Restarting task rb_07_01_11714_21029_T0480_IGNORE_THE_REST_10_13_4146_751_0 using minirosetta version 128
3/07/2008 9:22:18 AM|rosetta@home|Restarting task rb_07_01_11714_21029_T0480_IGNORE_THE_REST_10_13_4146_751_0 using minirosetta version 128
3/07/2008 9:25:28 AM|rosetta@home|Restarting task rb_07_01_11714_21029_T0480_IGNORE_THE_REST_10_13_4146_751_0 using minirosetta version 128

All other applications run as expected. Just the Mini Rosetta program seems to have the problem.

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Message 54216 - Posted: 7 Jul 2008, 4:32:29 UTC

I am having a similar problem. Jobs that are rated 4 hours are taking 24 hours to run. I am running a Quad Pentium. On other BOINC sites rated jobs are running as anticipated. Is there a solution on my end?

Thanks for a response,

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Profile robertmiles

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Message 54354 - Posted: 9 Jul 2008, 13:49:10 UTC - in response to Message 54002.  

I'm new to Rosetta and have only processed a few work units. The units running on the computer at home proceed as normally expected (Core2Duo 2.66GHz). The work computer (Athlon XP1800) seems to be having a weird problem. The WU's never make any progress. They state that they are running with an estimated finishing time of 7+ hours, yet after 5 or 6 hours the progress is still sitting at 0.00%.

Maybe it's like some of the workunits I've seen from other sites where the ability to show the progress of the CPU time is missing but the workunit still completes in a reasonable time and the CPU time can be calculated after the workunit finishes.
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Message 54356 - Posted: 9 Jul 2008, 17:16:59 UTC

Professor5, nothing specific to do on your end. There have been some taks lately that seem to encounter a very long running model. Please report the task name in the appropriate application version thread in the Number Crunching forum.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 54944 - Posted: 6 Aug 2008, 4:06:13 UTC

I have got a WU running under Application Rosetta Mini 1.28

Task ID is h001_BOINC_CASP8_ABRELAX_RANGE_tvat+d1r_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-14-S3-8-h001_-_4305_420_1 for the last two days!

On completion of 96.838% this thing is HUNG UP!

Lots of fun and games going on!

How can I restart this Task?


Should I abort this one and let the comp do the next one?

Thank you.
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Message 54954 - Posted: 6 Aug 2008, 14:33:59 UTC
Last modified: 6 Aug 2008, 14:37:21 UTC

...actually, I would do neither unless the task has run more then, say 8 hours (assuming your runtime preference is set to the 3hr default). BOINC will take care of it. It is very unlikely that it is hung up. Although when a task takes longer then your runtime preference (default is 3hrs), BOINC isn't able to make any more accurate estimate on when it will complete. So, they set things up to very gradually reduce the time left estimate for the estimated last 11 minutes or so of runtime. Just ignore the estimated time left for a task like this. Instead, look at the % completed. You should see it does continue to increase. You can also display the graphic for the task and see what model and steps it is on. Some of the older Rosetta mini tasks don't show the model and steps in the graphic, but either way, you should see the display changing every few seconds. Thus confirming that it is not hung.

Rosetta has a watchdog that is checking in on the task and making an assessment as to whether it is hung or not. By the fact that it is still running, this indicates the watchdog feels things are progressing.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 60829 - Posted: 26 Apr 2009, 12:40:05 UTC

This seems to be a very old thread, but I appear to have this same problem! I just noticed that this task (Rosetta Mini 1.54) has been running for 22hours and has no progress. 0.000% :?

Boinc Ver. 6.2.19
Win XP Pro with Service Pack 3

Oh, and not a single Rosetta message in the manager since the one starting the task...
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Message 60830 - Posted: 26 Apr 2009, 14:50:54 UTC - in response to Message 60829.  

This seems to be a very old thread, but I appear to have this same problem! I just noticed that this task (Rosetta Mini 1.54) has been running for 22hours and has no progress. 0.000% :?

Boinc Ver. 6.2.19
Win XP Pro with Service Pack 3

Oh, and not a single Rosetta message in the manager since the one starting the task...

Update: The third or fourth sending of this task was completed and reported, so I've just aborted the task rather than waste more time on it.
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Message 64061 - Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 5:58:36 UTC

i down loaded the setihome-rosettahome, the programs, and i cant get the programs to work,the programs,in the maniger allways tells me that everything is suspended- and also no graphics. how do i get the program to work like the oldone did? or just getting it to work? charles fultz...
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Message 64070 - Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 22:03:23 UTC - in response to Message 64061.  

how do i get the program to work like the oldone did? or just getting it to work? charles fultz...

First, you read the messages that are shown in the messages tab of the advanced view. You've apparently changed some of the settings from their default values, so it will be hard to help you if you don't describe what you've changed.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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